Emotions in German

Emotions in German.Human emotions are the vibrant hues that paint the canvas of life with bright colors and, at times, dark shadows. They embody the essence of human experience and define the way we interact with the world around us. Emotions are a universal language spoken in many dialects, expressing hope and fear, joy and sorrow, love and hatred.

EmotionsEmotions in German


English German
Joy Freude
Sadness Traurigkeit
Anger Wut
Fear Furcht
Love Liebe
Hate Ball
Jealousy Eifersucht
Envy Neid
Guilt schuldig fühlen
Shame Schüchternheit
Regret bereuen
Hope Hoffnung
Despair Verzweifelt
Excitement Aufregung
Nervousness Spannung
Curiosity Neugierige
Boredom langweilig
Loneliness Einklang
Satisfaction Zufriedenheit
Disappointment Enttäuschung
Surprise a surprise
Frustration Frustration
Gratitude Dankbarkeit
Empathy Sympathie
Compassion Mitgefühl
Pride Stolz
Humility Demut
Contentment Zufriedenheit
Awe Wunder
Amusement Spaß
Irritation Unbehagen

In concluding this article, we discern that emotions are not just transient reactions; they are a vital and integral part of human existence. Emotions bridge thought and action and determine the richness of our lives and those of others.