German phrases about HIV/AIDS

German phrases about HIV/AIDS.Despite improvements in treatment access and awareness expansion, HIV/AIDS remains one of the most devastating diseases worldwide. Individuals and communities face multifaceted challenges ranging from the stigmas and discrimination associated with the disease to the logistical and economic hurdles of providing healthcare.


German phrases about HIV/AIDS

German Phrase English Translation Context/Usage
HIV-positiv HIV-positive Medical diagnosis
HIV-negativ HIV-negative Medical diagnosis
HIV-Test HIV test Diagnostic tool
HIV-Übertragung HIV transmission Discussing how HIV is spread
AIDS-Diagnose AIDS diagnosis Medical diagnosis
Antiretrovirale Therapie (ART) Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) Treatment for HIV
sexuelle Übertragung sexual transmission Discussing transmission routes
Blutübertragung blood transmission Discussing transmission through blood products or sharing needles
Mutter-Kind-Übertragung mother-to-child transmission Discussing transmission during birth or breastfeeding
Prävention prevention General term for preventative measures
Kondomgebrauch condom use Discussing preventative measures

German sentenses about HIV/AIDS

German Sentence English Translation Context/Usage
Ein HIV-Test ist der einzige Weg, um sicher zu sein. An HIV test is the only way to be sure. Emphasizing the importance of testing
Antiretrovirale Therapie hat die Lebenserwartung von HIV-Patienten erhöht. Antiretroviral therapy has increased the life expectancy of HIV patients. Discussing medical advancements
Die Übertragung von HIV kann durch den Gebrauch von Kondomen vermindert werden. The transmission of HIV can be reduced by using condoms. Discussing prevention
HIV kann nicht durch Umarmungen oder Händeschütteln übertragen werden. HIV cannot be transmitted through hugs or handshakes. Dispelling myths

Symptoms of AIDS in German

German Term English Translation Context/Usage
Gewichtsverlust Weight loss General symptom of AIDS
Fieber Fever General symptom of AIDS
Müdigkeit Fatigue General symptom of AIDS
Durchfall Diarrhea General symptom of AIDS
Nachtschweiß Night sweats General symptom of AIDS
Lymphknotenschwellung Swollen lymph nodes General symptom of AIDS
Husten Cough Respiratory symptom
Atemnot Shortness of breath Respiratory symptom
Hautausschläge Skin rashes Dermatological symptom
Mundgeschwüre Oral ulcers Oral symptom
Gedächtnisverlust Memory loss Neurological symptom
Sehstörungen Vision problems Neurological symptom
Gelenk- und Muskelschmerzen Joint and muscle pain Musculoskeletal symptom
Übelkeit und Erbrechen Nausea and vomiting Gastrointestinal symptom
Anhaltende Müdigkeit Persistent fatigue General symptom of AIDS
Wiederholte Infektionen Repeated infections Indicative of a weakened immune system

AIDS treatment in German

German Term English Translation Context/Usage
Antiretrovirale Therapie (ART) Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) Main treatment regimen for HIV/AIDS
Medikamenten-Adhärenz Medication adherence Importance of following medication schedule
CD4-Zellzahl-Messung CD4 cell count measurement Diagnostic tool to assess immune system status
Virale Last Viral load Measure of the amount of virus in the blood
Opportunistische Infektionen Opportunistic infections Infections that take advantage of a weakened immune system
Prävention von Opportunistischen Infektionen Prevention of opportunistic infections Prophylactic treatments to prevent secondary infections
Nebenwirkungsmanagement Side effect management Strategies for dealing with drug side effects
Ernährungsberatung Nutritional counseling Support for managing dietary needs

Finally,overcoming AIDS is not a solo endeavor. It demands collective effort across all levels individual, societal, and political. We must all work together toward our common goal: a world free from AIDS.