German phrases at the hospital

German phrases at the hospital. A hospital is a facility where comprehensive medical care is provided, from initial diagnosis to treatment and recovery.

German phrases at the hospital

German Phrase English Translation Context or Usage
Ich brauche einen Arzt. I need a doctor. Informing staff that you need medical attention.
Wo ist die Notaufnahme? Where is the emergency room? Asking for directions to the emergency room.
Ich habe Schmerzen. I have pain. Describing your condition.
Ich habe einen Termin. I have an appointment. Confirming that you have an appointment.
Wie lange ist die Wartezeit? How long is the wait? Inquiring about waiting times.
Ich brauche ein Rezept. I need a prescription. Asking for a prescription for medication.
Können Sie das bitte wiederholen? Can you please repeat that? If you didn’t understand and need repetition.
Ich habe eine Versicherung. I have insurance. Confirming that you have health insurance.
Ich habe keine Versicherung. I don’t have insurance. Indicating that you don’t have health insurance.
Ich bin allergisch gegen Penicillin. I am allergic to penicillin. Providing important medical information.
Wo ist die Apotheke? Where is the pharmacy? Asking for directions to the pharmacy.

German vocabulary at the hospital

German Word English Translation Context or Usage
Krankenhaus Hospital General term for a hospital.
Arzt Doctor General term for a medical doctor.
Krankenschwester Nurse (female) Female nurse.
Krankenpfleger Nurse (male) Male nurse.
Patient Patient A person receiving medical treatment.
Notaufnahme Emergency room The department of the hospital for urgent cases.
Termin Appointment A scheduled meeting with a medical professional.
Rezept Prescription A medical prescription for medication.
Medikament Medication General term for medicine or drug.
Untersuchung Examination A medical examination or check-up.

German speak with nurse at the hospital

Asking for pain medication

  • Nurse: Guten Tag, wie kann ich Ihnen helfen?
    (Good day, how can I help you?)
  • You: Ich habe starke Schmerzen im Rücken. Haben Sie etwas dagegen?
    (I have strong back pain. Do you have something for that?)
  • Nurse: Ich muss erst Ihren Arzt konsultieren. Bitte warten Sie einen Moment.
    (I need to consult your doctor first. Please wait a moment.)

Asking for directions inside the hospital

    • You: Entschuldigung, wo finde ich hier die Röntgenabteilung?
      (Excuse me, where can I find the X-ray department here?)
    • Nurse: Gehen Sie den Flur entlang und nehmen Sie die zweite Tür rechts.
      (Go along the hallway and take the second door on the right.)

German phrases how to deal with the emergensy situation in the hospital

German Phrase English Translation Context or Usage
Es ist ein Notfall! It’s an emergency! To alert medical staff that immediate help is needed.
Ich brauche sofort einen Arzt! I need a doctor immediately! To request urgent medical attention.
Rufen Sie einen Krankenwagen! Call an ambulance! When immediate transportation to the hospital is needed.
Ich habe starke Schmerzen hier. I have severe pain here. To indicate where you’re experiencing pain.
Jemand ist ohnmächtig geworden. Someone has fainted. To alert medical staff about someone who has fainted.
Er/Sie hat Atemprobleme. He/She is having trouble breathing. To inform about someone’s breathing difficulty.
Ich glaube, es ist ein Herzinfarkt. I think it’s a heart attack. To inform medical staff about suspected heart issues.
Er/Sie blutet stark. He/She is bleeding heavily. To alert medical staff about a severe bleeding situation.
Ich bin allergisch gegen Penicillin. I am allergic to penicillin. To inform medical staff about a specific allergy.

In the end;Remember that medical professionals in larger German cities usually speak English, but having a basic understanding of these German phrases could be helpful.