German sentenses at police station

German sentenses at police station.In any community, a police station is more than just a building; it is a tangible symbol of law and order, a focal point where the role of the police as both protectors and enforcers of laws comes to life.

German sentenses at police station

German Sentences English Translation Context/Usage
Guten Tag, ich möchte eine Anzeige erstatten. Good day, I would like to file a report. Initiating a conversation to file a report
Können Sie sich ausweisen? Can you show identification? Asking for ID
Was ist der Grund für Ihren Besuch? What is the reason for your visit? Inquiry about the purpose of visit
Ich habe meinen Pass verloren. I have lost my passport. Reporting a lost passport
Wo hat der Vorfall stattgefunden? Where did the incident take place? Asking for details about an incident
Können Sie den Täter beschreiben? Can you describe the perpetrator? Investigating a crime
Wie können wir Ihnen helfen? How can we assist you? Offering help
Ich möchte einen Anwalt sprechen. I would like to speak to a lawyer. Requesting legal assistance
Haben Sie irgendwelche Beweise? Do you have any evidence? Investigating a claim

German voucabulary at police station

German Vocabulary English Translation Context/Usage
Polizei Police General term for law enforcement
Anzeige Report Filing a complaint or report
Täter Perpetrator Person who committed the crime
Ausweis Identification ID or passport
Vernehmung Interrogation Questioning process
Festnahme Arrest Detaining a suspect
Ermittlung Investigation Investigative process
Zeuge Witness Person who saw the event
Straftat Criminal act An act that is against the law
Haftbefehl Arrest warrant Legal document for arrest
Fingerabdrücke Fingerprints Biometric data
Staatsanwaltschaft Prosecutor’s Office Legal authority for prosecution
Vergehen Misdemeanor Minor offense
Verbrechen Felony Major criminal act
Alkoholtest Breathalyzer test Testing for alcohol levels
Beweismaterial Evidence Materials proving a case
Notruf Emergency call 911 or equivalent
Dienstwaffe Service weapon Police-issued weapon
Handschellen Handcuffs Restraining device
Ordnungswidrigkeit Infraction Minor violation

German conversation at police station

German Sentence or Dialogue English Translation Context/Usage
Guten Tag, wie kann ich Ihnen helfen? Good day, how can I help you? Police officer greeting a visitor
Ich möchte eine Anzeige erstatten. I would like to file a report. Visitor initiating a report
Könnten Sie bitte Ihren Ausweis zeigen? Could you please show your identification? Asking for identification
Hier ist mein Ausweis. Here is my identification. Providing identification
Was ist passiert? What happened? Asking for details of the incident
Mein Auto wurde gestohlen. My car has been stolen. Reporting a stolen car
Wo und wann ist das passiert? Where and when did it happen? Gathering further details
Es ist heute Morgen vor meinem Haus passiert. It happened this morning in front of my house. Providing details about the incident
Haben Sie irgendwelche Zeugen? Do you have any witnesses? Asking for additional evidence
Nein, ich habe keine Zeugen. No, I don’t have any witnesses. Responding to a question about witnesses
Bitte füllen Sie dieses Formular aus. Please fill out this form. Administrative instruction
Ich verstehe nicht, was ich hier ausfüllen soll. I don’t understand what I should fill out here. Seeking clarification
Lassen Sie mich Ihnen helfen. Let me help you. Offering assistance
Vielen Dank für Ihre Hilfe. Thank you for your help. Showing appreciation
Kein Problem, das ist meine Arbeit. No problem, it’s my job. Responding to thanks

In closing, we must always remember that a police station is not just a place where offenders are brought to justice; it is also a place where human rights must be preserved, and values of democracy and social justice must be enhanced.