How To Say ‘Thank you’ in German

Thank you in German. In most cultures, it is custom to express gratitude in some way or another. The dictionary defines gratitude as follows: it is “the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness”. Giving a sincere, thankful response to someone’s actions or words is often the ‘glue’ that keeps relationships together. This is true in most societies! Doing so in a foreign country also shows your respect and appreciation for the culture. Words have great power – use these ones sincerely and often!

So, how do you say ‘Thank you’ in German? You can learn easily! Below, GermanPod101 brings you perfect translations and pronunciation as you learn the most common ways German speakers say ‘Thanks’ in various situations

1. 12 Ways to say ‘Thank you’ in German

1- Thank you.


The magical words that can bring a smile to any face. For one day, truly mean it whenever you say these words, and see how this lifts your spirit too!

2- That’s very kind of you.

Das ist sehr nett von dir/Ihnen (informal/formal).

This phrase is appropriate when someone clearly goes out of their way to give good service, or to offer you a kindness.

3- Thanks for your kind words!

Danke für deine/ihre netten Worte!

Someone paid you a compliment and made you feel good? That is kind of him/her, so express your gratitude!

4- Thank you for coming today.

Danke, dass du heute gekommen bist.

This welcoming phrase should be part of your arsenal if you’re conducting more formal meetings with German speakers. If you’re hosting a party, this is also a good phrase when you greet your German guests!

5- Thank you for your consideration.

Danke für deine/ihre Berücksichtigung.

This is a more formal, almost solemn way to thank someone for their thoughtfulness and sensitivity towards you. It is also suitable to use when a native speaker has to consider something you submit, like a job application, a project or a proposal. You are thanking them, in essence, for time and effort they are about to, or have spent on your submission.

6- Thanks a lot!

Danke vielmals!

This means the same as ‘Thank you’, but with energy and enthusiasm added! It means almost the same as ‘thank you so much’ in German. Use this in an informal setting with your German friends or teachers.

7- Teachers like you are not easy to find.

Lehrer wie Sie sind nicht leicht zu finden.

Some phrases are compliments, which express gratitude by inference. This is one of them. If you’re particularly impressed with your GermanPod101 teacher, this is an excellent phrase to memorize!

8- Thank you for spending time with us.

Vielen Dank für die gemeinsame Zeit.

Any host at a gathering with German speakers, such as a meeting or a party, should have this under his/her belt! Use it when you’re saying goodbye or busy closing a meeting. It could also be another lovely way to thank your German language teacher for her time.

9- Thank you for being patient and helping me improve.

Vielen Dank für Ihre Geduld und die Unterstützung, mich zu verbessern.

This phrase is another sure way to melt any formal or informal German teacher’s heart! Teaching is not easy, and often a lot of patience is required from the teacher. Thank him/her for it! It’s also a good phrase to use if you work in Germany, and want to thank your trainer or employer. You will go a long way towards making yourself a popular employee – gratitude is the most attractive trait in any person!

10- You’re the best teacher ever!

Sie sind der beste Lehrer den es gibt!

This is also an enthusiastic way to thank your teacher by means of a compliment. It could just make their day!

11- Thank you for the gift.

Danke für das Geschenk.

This is a good phrase to remember when you’re the lucky recipient of a gift. Show your respect and gratitude with these words.

12- I have learned so much thanks to you.

Ich habe so viel durch sie gelernt

What a wonderful compliment to give a good teacher! It means they have succeeded in their goal, and you’re thankful for it.

 Video Lesson: Learn to Say ‘Thank You’ in 3 Minutes

In Germany manners and etiquette are very important. “Please,” “Thank You,” and “You’re Welcome” are parts of everyday interactions and should be used often. In most cases a simple danke will suffice however just like in English there are many ways to say thank you.

1- Dankeschön.

In Germany “Thank you.” is dankeschön. The first word of the phrase danke means thanks. This is followed by schön, which in German is “beautiful”. Now in German there are other ways to express one’s gratitude. There are more formal and more casual ways to do this.

2- Danke.

Let’s take a look at the casual way. In German the casual way of expressing gratitude, the equivalent of “Thanks” is danke. This phrase is used among friends, in other casual situations, continue on with more examples if possible.

3- Vielen Dank.

For very special occasions when someone goes above and beyond the call of being kind, when someone is extremely generous, or for any other time you’re extremely grateful, we have the following phrases to express extreme gratitude: The first one is vielen Dank or “many thanks”. The first word vielen means “many” in English.

4- Herzlichen Dank.

Next is Herzlichen Dank, which means “heart felt thanks” in English.

5- Ich Danke Ihnen.

In a formal situation it is important to address people in the formal Sie and Ihnen forms. This is especially important if you don’t know the person, in business settings, or any case when more distance is required. A good example would be meeting a professor, an employer, or in a business meeting. In these situations a

simple danke is by no means , however using the formal Ich danke Ihnen is more common and more appropriate. Now let’s go over that one once more. The first word Ich is German for “I”. Then danke, and the last word Ihnen which is the formal form for the English “you”. To review the formal form of “thank you” is Ich danke Ihnen. These phrases are important and easy to use everyday. So wherever you go in Germany always remember to say danke.

Cultural Insights

It’s always a good thing to say danke or dankeschön after any helpful interaction. In formal situations because of the formal pronouns Sie and Ihnen the best way to say thank you is Ich danke Ihnen. You can use this form anytime you are not familiar with the person you are thanking. The German language has a set of vowels that we

don’t have in English. These vowels are topped with two points above the letter called an Umlaut. We see this in the vowel ö in schön. You may be familiar with the song Danke Schoen by Wayne Newton where the word schön is mispronounced “shane” in order to rhyme with pain. The correct way to pronounce this vowel is

with your lips slightly more closed like you’re about to whistle. The closest sound in English would be the word “earn”.

On the run to Germany? Wait! You can’t go without some basic language phrases under your belt! Especially if you’re heading to meet your prospective employer! Either in person or online, knowing how to say ‘Thank you’ in the German language will only improve their impression of you! Learn German online saves you time with this short lesson that nevertheless packs a punch. Learn to say ‘Thank you’ in German in no time!


Perhaps you think it’s unimportant that you don’t know what ‘Thank you’ is in German, or that it’s too difficult a language to learn. Yet, as a traveler or visitor, you will be surprised at how far you can go using a little bit of German in Germany!