Dealing with the parents in German

Dealing with the parents in German.Parents serve as the backbone of the family and the foundational figures in a person’s life. They play a pivotal role in shaping character, instilling values, and imparting morals. In today’s modern world, with its increasing challenges and social and economic pressures, the role of parents is more crucial and complex than ever.

 Phrases a bout dealing with the parents in German

German Phrase English Translation Context/Usage
Wie geht es deinen Eltern? How are your parents? General inquiry about someone’s parents
Meine Eltern sind sehr streng. My parents are very strict. Discussing the nature of one’s parents
Ich muss das mit meinen Eltern besprechen. I have to discuss this with my parents. Before making a decision
Meine Mutter ruft ständig an. My mother calls all the time. Talking about parents who are a bit over-involved
Mein Vater gibt mir immer gute Ratschläge. My father always gives me good advice. Positive statement about one’s parent
Ich verstehe mich gut mit meinen Eltern. I get along well with my parents. Describing a good parent-child relationship
Wir haben eine Familienbesprechung. We have a family meeting. Planning a discussion with parents

Sentenses a bout dealing with the parents in German

German Sentence English Translation Context/Usage
Ich habe meinen Eltern gesagt, dass ich spät nach Hause komme. I told my parents that I will be coming home late. Informing parents about your plans
Meine Mutter und ich gehen einmal die Woche einkaufen. My mother and I go shopping once a week. Describing a routine with a parent
Mein Vater war nicht einverstanden, aber er hat es akzeptiert. My father didn’t agree, but he accepted it. Discussing a disagreement with a parent
Meine Eltern sind im Urlaub, daher habe ich das Haus für mich allein. My parents are on vacation, so I have the house to myself. Explaining a situation where parents are absent
Ich muss meine Eltern um Erlaubnis fragen, bevor ich ausgehe. I have to ask my parents for permission before going out. Discussing the need for parental approval
Meine Mutter sagt immer, ich sollte mein Zimmer aufräumen. My mother always says I should clean my room. Mentioning parental advice or demands

Vocabulary a bout dealing with the parents in German

German Vocabulary English Translation Context/Usage
Eltern Parents General term for mother and father
Mutter Mother Female parent
Vater Father Male parent
Erziehung Upbringing The process of raising and educating a child
Familientreffen Family meeting A meeting with family members
Erlaubnis Permission Approval or consent
Ratschlag Advice Suggestions or recommendations
Unterstützung Support Emotional, financial, or physical aid
Erwartungen Expectations Anticipated goals or standards
Verantwortung Responsibility Duties or obligations
Zustimmung Agreement Consent or approval
Konflikt Conflict Disagreement or clash

In conclusion, parents are an essential and pivotal element in the life of every individual. They are not merely biological or legal guardians but serve as complex, multi-dimensional figures involved in the emotional, psychological, social, and even economic aspects of a child’s life.