German phrases about Bullying.Bullying is not just a term to describe isolated negative behaviors; it is a complex social phenomenon requiring deep understanding and appropriate action.
German phrases about Bullying
English Phrase
German Phrase
Pronunciation (Approximate)
Context / Definition
General term for bullying.
Bullying that occurs online.
A person who engages in bullying.
The person who is bullied.
School bullying
Bullying that takes place in educational settings.
Verbal bullying
Verbales Mobbing
‘fer-bah-les moh-bing’
Bullying that involves verbal abuse.
Physical bullying
Körperliches Mobbing
‘kor-per-lee-shes moh-bing’
Bullying involving physical harm.
Psychological bullying
Psychisches Mobbing
‘psy-chi-shes moh-bing’
Bullying that causes psychological harm.
Report bullying
Mobbing melden
‘moh-bing mel-den’
To report an instance of bullying.
German sentenses about Bullying
English Sentence
German Sentence
Pronunciation (Approximate)
Context / Explanation
Bullying should not be tolerated.
Mobbing sollte nicht toleriert werden.
‘moh-bing zoll-te nicht toh-le-ree-ert vehr-den’
Emphasizes zero-tolerance towards bullying.
Speak up if you see someone being bullied.
Sprich auf, wenn du siehst, dass jemand gemobbt wird.
‘shpreech owf, vehn doo zeest, das yeh-mant geh-mohbt veerd’
Encouraging action when witnessing bullying.
Cyberbullying can be as harmful as physical bullying.
Cybermobbing kann genauso schädlich sein wie körperliches Mobbing.
‘zy-ber-moh-bing kahn geh-now-zoh shey-dlish zyn vee kor-per-lee-shes moh-bing’
Highlighting the severity of online bullying.
Teachers should intervene when they notice bullying.
Lehrer sollten eingreifen, wenn sie Mobbing bemerken.
Das Opfer leidet oft an geringem Selbstwertgefühl.
‘das op-fer ly-det oft an geh-rin-ghem zelbst-vert-geh-fyhl’
Discussing the psychological impact of bullying on the victim.
Types of bullying in German
Type of Bullying (English)
Type of Bullying (German)
Pronunciation (Approximate)
Explanation or Context
Verbal Bullying
Verbales Mobbing
‘fer-bah-les moh-bing’
Involves spoken forms of abuse like name-calling or insults.
Physical Bullying
Körperliches Mobbing
‘kor-per-lee-shes moh-bing’
Involves physical aggression like hitting, pushing, etc.
Takes place online, usually on social media platforms.
Social (Relational) Bullying
Soziales Mobbing
‘zo-tsi-a-les moh-bing’
Aims to harm the victim’s reputation or social standing.
Sexual Bullying
Sexuelles Mobbing
‘sex-yoo-el-les moh-bing’
Involves unwanted sexual comments or actions.
Psychological Bullying
Psychisches Mobbing
‘psy-chi-shes moh-bing’
Aims to harm the victim’s mental well-being.
Racist Bullying
Rassistisches Mobbing
‘rah-sis-ti-shes moh-bing’
Targets individuals based on their race or ethnicity.
Homophobic Bullying
Homophobes Mobbing
‘hoh-mo-fo-bes moh-bing’
Targets individuals based on their sexual orientation.
Workplace Bullying
Mobbing am Arbeitsplatz
‘moh-bing ahm ar-baits-plats’
Occurs in professional settings among adults.
School Bullying
Takes place in educational settings, often among children.
Bullying treatment in German
Treatment / Approach (English)
Treatment / Approach (German)
Pronunciation (Approximate)
Explanation or Context
Awareness Campaigns
Efforts to raise awareness about the issue of bullying.
One-on-one or group therapy to discuss issues and find solutions.
A neutral party helps facilitate a conversation between the parties involved.
Reporting Mechanisms
Systems for victims or witnesses to safely report incidents.
School Policies
Rules and procedures established by schools to handle bullying.
Parental Involvement
Einbeziehung der Eltern
‘ine-bet-zee-oong dehr el-tern’
Parents play an active role in addressing the issue.
Legal Actions
Rechtliche Schritte
‘reHt-leeH-e shrit-te’
Pursuing the matter legally, possibly resulting in penalties or sanctions.
Support Groups
Groups where victims can share experiences and coping strategies.
Educational Programs
Programs designed to educate about the harmful effects of bullying.
Professional Intervention
Professionelle Intervention
‘pro-fess-yo-nel-le inter-ven-tsi-ohn’
Involvement of trained professionals like psychologists or social workers.
Ultimately, bullying is a mirror reflecting the values of a society. If we can effectively combat it, we will have taken a significant step toward creating a society ruled by respect and justice for all.