phrases about Cardiologist in German

phrases about Cardiologist in German.The heart is arguably one of the most crucial and complex organs in the human body, serving as the central engine for life and biological activity. The intricacies of this organ and its vital role make the field of cardiology one of the most important and challenging medical specialties.

phrases about Cardiologist in German

English Phrase German Phrase Usage / Context
Cardiologist Kardiologe Medical Profession
Heart Disease Herzkrankheit Medical Condition
Echocardiogram Echokardiogramm Diagnostic Test
Heart Attack Herzinfarkt Medical Emergency
Blood Pressure Blutdruck Vital Sign
Heart Surgery Herzoperation Medical Procedure
Coronary Artery Disease Koronare Herzkrankheit Medical Condition
Heart Failure Herzinsuffizienz Medical Condition
Cholesterol Levels Cholesterinspiegel Health Metric
Preventive Cardiology Präventive Kardiologie Medical Subspecialty
Angioplasty Angioplastie Medical Procedure
Cardiac Arrest Herzstillstand Medical Emergency
Electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG) Elektrokardiogramm (EKG) Diagnostic Test
Stent Implantation Stent-Implantation Medical Procedure
Atrial Fibrillation Vorhofflimmern Medical Condition
Pacemaker Herzschrittmacher Medical Device

Sentenses about Cardiologist in German

English Sentence German Sentence Context / Usage
The cardiologist specializes in heart diseases. Der Kardiologe ist auf Herzkrankheiten spezialisiert. Describing a cardiologist’s specialization
I have an appointment with the cardiologist tomorrow. Ich habe morgen einen Termin beim Kardiologen. Discussing a medical appointment
The cardiologist performed an echocardiogram. Der Kardiologe hat ein Echokardiogramm durchgeführt. Talking about a diagnostic test
High blood pressure is a risk for heart disease. Hoher Blutdruck ist ein Risikofaktor für Herzkrankheiten. Providing medical advice
The cardiologist recommended heart surgery. Der Kardiologe hat eine Herzoperation empfohlen. Discussing treatment options
Cardiac arrest requires immediate medical attention. Bei Herzstillstand ist sofortige medizinische Versorgung erforderlich. Discussing a medical emergency
The cardiologist installed a pacemaker. Der Kardiologe hat einen Herzschrittmacher eingesetzt. Discussing a medical procedure
Angioplasty can open blocked arteries. Eine Angioplastie kann verstopfte Arterien öffnen. Explaining a medical procedure

Heart disease in German

English Term German Term Context / Usage
Heart Disease Herzkrankheit General Term
Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) Koronare Herzkrankheit (KHK) Specific Type of Heart Disease
Heart Attack Herzinfarkt Acute Event
Heart Failure Herzinsuffizienz Chronic Condition
Congenital Heart Defect Angeborener Herzfehler Present from Birth
Angina Angina Pectoris Chest Pain related to Heart
Cardiomyopathy Kardiomyopathie Disease of Heart Muscle
Heart Valve Disease Herzklappenerkrankung Affecting Heart Valves
Arrhythmia Herzrhythmusstörung Irregular Heartbeat
Myocardial Infarction Myokardinfarkt Medical Term for Heart Attack
Atherosclerosis Arteriosklerose Plaque Buildup in Arteries
Hypertension Bluthochdruck High Blood Pressure
High Cholesterol Hoher Cholesterinspiegel Blood Lipid Levels

Conversation with Cardiologist in German

English Statement/Question German Statement/Question Context / Usage
How are you, Doctor? Wie geht es Ihnen, Doktor? Greeting
I’ve been experiencing some chest pain lately. Ich habe in letzter Zeit Brustschmerzen gehabt. Patient explaining symptoms
How often do these symptoms occur? Wie oft treten diese Symptome auf? Cardiologist asking for more information
About twice a week. Etwa zweimal pro Woche. Patient giving details
We should do an ECG and some blood tests. Wir sollten ein EKG und einige Bluttests machen. Cardiologist recommending tests
What do these tests involve? Was beinhalten diese Tests? Patient asking for more information
An ECG will monitor your heart’s activity. Ein EKG wird Ihre Herzaktivität überwachen. Cardiologist explaining the test
What can I do to improve my heart health? Was kann ich tun, um meine Herzgesundheit zu verbessern? Patient asking for advice
Diet and exercise are key factors. Ernährung und Bewegung sind Schlüsselfaktoren. Cardiologist giving lifestyle advice
Is medication necessary? Ist eine Medikation notwendig? Patient inquiring about medication
It depends on the test results. Es hängt von den Testergebnissen ab. Cardiologist explaining next steps
When will I get the test results? Wann erhalte ich die Testergebnisse? Patient asking about test results
Usually within a week. Normalerweise innerhalb einer Woche. Cardiologist providing a timeline
Thank you for your help, Doctor. Danke für Ihre Hilfe, Doktor. Patient expressing gratitude
You’re welcome. Take care. Gern geschehen. Passen Sie auf sich auf. Cardiologist closing the conversation

In conclusion, cardiologists play a pivotal role in our healthcare system, given the heart’s critical function in human physiology. These specialized physicians provide diagnostic and therapeutic services aimed at enhancing cardiac health and preventing heart-related diseases.