German phrases about Robot.In a world where technological advancements are accelerating at an almost unimaginable pace, robots stand as one of the most awe-inspiring and, at the same time, unsettling innovations. Are robots merely efficient, precision-based technological tools, or do they have the potential to transform the very nature of work and human life itself?
German phrases about Robot
German Phrase
English Translation
Künstliche Intelligenz
Artificial Intelligence
Programmierbare Maschine
Programmable Machine
Human-Robot Interaction
Service Robot
Autonome Roboter
Autonomous Robot
Ferngesteuerter Roboter
Remote-Controlled Robot
Robot Arm
Robotics Engineer
German sentenses about Robot
German Sentence
English Translation
Roboter verändern die Arbeitswelt.
Robots are changing the world of work.
Künstliche Intelligenz macht Roboter schlau.
Artificial intelligence makes robots smart.
Die Automatisierung bringt Vor- und Nachteile.
Automation has advantages and disadvantages.
Dieser Roboter kann selbstständig lernen.
This robot can learn autonomously.
Mensch-Roboter-Interaktion ist komplex.
Human-robot interaction is complex.
Serviceroboter helfen im Haushalt.
Service robots help around the house.
Autonome Roboter navigieren ohne Hilfe.
Autonomous robots navigate without assistance.
Der Roboterarm kann schwere Lasten heben.
The robot arm can lift heavy loads.
Sensoren ermöglichen dem Roboter, zu “sehen”.
Sensors allow the robot to “see”.
Aktuatoren sind die “Muskeln” des Roboters.
Actuators are the “muscles” of the robot.
Ein Robotik-Ingenieur entwickelt neue Modelle.
A robotics engineer develops new models.
Maschinelles Lernen erweitert die Fähigkeiten.
Machine learning extends capabilities.
Robotergesteuerte Prozesse sparen Zeit.
Robot-controlled processes save time.
Advantages of the robot in German
German Advantages
English Translation
Erhöhte Produktivität
Increased Productivity
Präzision und Genauigkeit
Precision and Accuracy
Cost Efficiency
Arbeitet rund um die Uhr
Operates Around the Clock
Keine emotionale Ablenkung
No Emotional Distraction
Reduziert menschliches Risiko
Reduces Human Risk
Führt repetitive Aufgaben aus
Performs Repetitive Tasks
Schnelle Datenverarbeitung
Fast Data Processing
Verbesserte Qualität
Improved Quality
Entlastet den Menschen von schwerer Arbeit
Relieves Humans from Heavy Labor
Einfache Integration in bestehende Systeme
Easy Integration into Existing Systems
Cons of the robot in German
German Disadvantages
English Translation
Hohe Anfangskosten
High Initial Costs
Job Loss
Fehlende emotionale Intelligenz
Lack of Emotional Intelligence
Abhängigkeit von Strom und Wartung
Dependency on Power and Maintenance
Begrenzte Kreativität
Limited Creativity
Ethische Bedenken
Ethical Concerns
Risiko von Fehlfunktionen
Risk of Malfunctions
Schwierigkeit bei unstrukturierten Aufgaben
Difficulty with Unstructured Tasks
Security Risks
Teure Reparaturen
Expensive Repairs
Soziale Isolation
Social Isolation
Komplexe Installation und Programmierung
Complex Installation and Programming
Finally,as a society, we must approach this technology with caution and awareness, considering the ethical, social, and economic dimensions of robotics development. Only when we do so can we expect a future that combines the best of what humans and machines have to offer.