Geometric Shapes in German

Geometric Shapes in German.Geometric shapes are fundamental elements in the field of mathematics, aiding in the development of spatial and geometric reasoning among individuals. From circles to squares and triangles, each shape possesses unique properties and governing laws that contribute to the diversity of mathematical applications and concepts.

Geometric Shapes in German

English German
Circle Kreis
Triangle Dreieck
Square Quadrat
Rectangle rechteckig
Pentagon Pentagon
Hexagon Sixie Ribs
Heptagon Sieben Rippen
Octagon Acht Rippen
Nonagon Neun Rippen
Decagon Zehn Rippen
Undecagon Elfte Rippen
Dodecagon Zwölf Rippen
Star ein Stern
Diamond Diamant
Rhombus Spezifisch
Trapezoid Parallelogramm
Parallelogram der Quader
Cone Kegel
Cylinder Zylinder
Sphere Ball
Cube cube
Pyramid Pyramide
Prism Kegel
Tetrahedron Viereck
Octahedron Acht Rippen
Dodecahedron Zwölf Rippen
Icosahedron Zwanzig Rippen
Mobius Strip Mobius -Episode
Klein Bottle Klein Flasche

In conclusion, understanding geometric shapes and their properties is foundational in developing analytical capabilities and critical thinking among individuals. Geometric shapes are extensively used across various fields from art and architecture to science, showcasing their significance in comprehending the world we inhabit.