large animals in German

large animals in German.In our vast and diverse world, large animals captivate our imaginations and arouse our curiosity in a uniquely compelling way. These extraordinary creatures represent the power of nature and the wonders of biological evolution, captivating minds through their immense size and exceptional physical capabilities.

large animals in German

English German
Elephant Elefant
Lion Löwe
Tiger Tiger
Leopard Fahad
Giraffe Giraffe
Hippopotamus Nilpferd
Rhinoceros Einhorn
Gorilla Gorilla
Chimpanzee Schimpanse
Kangaroo Känguru
Crocodile Krokodil
Alligator Amerikanisches Krokodil
Anaconda Anakonda
Python Bethon
Komodo dragon Komodo Drache
Grizzly bear Grizli Bär
Polar bear Eisbär
Brown bear Braun
Wolf Wolf
Fox Fuchs
Coyote Kait
Hyena Hyäne
Cheetah Fahd al -Shita
Jaguar Fahd al -Jagwar
Bison Stier
Moose Kanadische Hirsche
Elk Amerikanischer Hirsch
Deer Gazelle
Camel Kamel
Dromedary Wahid al -Sanam Kamel
Buffalo Büffel

In conclusion, large animals hold paramount importance in maintaining ecological balance and supporting biodiversity. These majestic creatures play a vital role in ecosystems, impacting the health of the planet and the well-being of other species, including humans.