German phrases about Maritime navigation

German phrases about Maritime navigation.Maritime navigation, that ancient art accompanying the evolution of human civilizations through the ages. Since ancient times, man has utilized the sea as a means of communication, trade, and exploration. Starting with simple boats that relied on human strength and water currents, evolving to modern ships equipped with the latest technologies and navigational aids.

Maritime navigation

German phrases about Maritime navigation

German English
Seefahrt Maritime navigation
Nautische Instrumente Nautical instruments
Schifffahrtsrouten Shipping routes
See-Karten Nautical charts
Kompass Compass
Global Positionierungs System (GPS) Global Positioning System (GPS)
Anker werfen Drop anchor
Auf hoher See On the high seas
Die Tide überwachen Monitor the tide
Ein Schiff steuern Navigate a ship

German sentenses about Maritime navigation

German English
Die Seefahrt hat sich im Laufe der Jahrhunderte entwickelt. Maritime navigation has evolved over the centuries.
Nautische Instrumente sind für die Navigation unerlässlich. Nautical instruments are essential for navigation.
Viele Schifffahrtsrouten verbinden Europa und Asien. Many shipping routes connect Europe and Asia.
Die See-Karten müssen regelmäßig aktualisiert werden. Nautical charts need to be updated regularly.
Der Kompass zeigt immer nach Norden. The compass always points north.
Mit GPS kann die Position des Schiffes genau bestimmt werden. With GPS, the ship’s position can be determined precisely.
Das Schiff wird in der Bucht den Anker werfen. The ship will drop anchor in the bay.

Importance of Maritime navigation in German

German English
Sicherheit der Schifffahrt Safety of shipping
Verbindung zwischen Kontinenten Connection between continents
Unterstützung des globalen Handels Support of global trade
Entdeckung und Erschließung neuer Länder Discovery and development of new countries
Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung durch Meereshandel Economic development through maritime trade
Umweltschutz in empfindlichen Meeresgebieten Environmental protection in sensitive marine areas
Möglichkeit zur wissenschaftlichen Forschung im Meer Opportunity for scientific research in the sea
Transport großer Mengen von Gütern effizient Transporting large quantities of goods efficiently
Beeinflussung der geopolitischen Machtverhältnisse Influencing geopolitical power balances

In conclusion, maritime navigation is not merely a means of moving ships across the seas but plays a pivotal role in the history and evolution of human civilizations. Through the centuries, maritime navigation has expanded human horizons, enabling the discovery of new cultures, the growth of trade, and access to distant lands.