Food vocabulary in German

Food vocabulary in German.Across diverse cultures around the globe, food is more than just sustenance. It stands as an expression of identity, history, and tradition, and often serves as a medium for communication and relationship-building. While the dishes might vary from one region to another, the vocabulary used to describe them plays a pivotal role in conveying the essence and values of those foods.


Food vocabulary in German

german english
Restaurant Restaurant
Kochen Cooking
Mahlzeit Meal
Frühstück Breakfast
Mittagessen Lunch
Abendessen Dinner
Snack Snack
Essen Food
Getränk Drink
Kaffee Coffee
Tee Tea
Wasser Water
Saft Juice
Milch Milk
Brot Bread
Käse Cheese
Fleisch Meat
Hühner Chicken
Fisch Fish
Makkaroni Pasta
rice Rice
Obst Fruit
Gemüse Vegetables
Soße Sauce
Öl Oil
Salz Salt
Pfeffer Pepper
Zucker Sugar
süß Dessert

Ultimately, food vocabulary underscores the integral role that food plays in our lives, not just as fuel for our bodies, but as a means of communication and self-expression. In this light, we discover that words, much like food, have the power to nourish both the soul and the mind.
