German phrases at Consolation

German phrases at Consolation.Life is a tapestry of moments, interwoven with a spectrum of emotions ranging from joy to sorrow. In every season of life, we find ourselves yearning for the support and empathy of those around us. When the inevitability of death takes away a loved one, we are confronted with the profound reality of loss. During these somber times, the act of condolence comes into play.

German phrases at Consolation

German Phrases English Translations
Es tut mir leid. I’m sorry.
Mein herzliches Beileid. My heartfelt condolences.
Ich bin für dich da. I’m here for you.
Das muss sehr schwer für dich sein. This must be very hard for you.
Ich denke an dich. I’m thinking of you.
Wir werden ihn/sie vermissen. We will miss him/her.
Er/Sie wird immer in unseren Herzen sein. He/She will always be in our hearts.
Ich weiß nicht, was ich sagen soll. I don’t know what to say.
Es wird mit der Zeit besser. It gets better with time.
Ich bete für dich und deine Familie. I pray for you and your family.

German vocabulary at Consolation

German Vocabulary English Translation
Beileid Condolence
Trost Comfort
Verlust Loss
Schmerz Pain
Tränen Tears
Unterstützung Support
Hoffnung Hope
Erinnerung Memory
Trauer Grief, mourning
Mitleid Sympathy, compassion

German sentenses at Consolation

German Sentences English Translations
Es tut mir wirklich leid, das zu hören. I’m truly sorry to hear that.
Diese schwierige Zeit wird vorübergehen. This difficult time will pass.
Ich bin immer hier, wenn du reden möchtest. I’m always here if you want to talk.
Ich kann mir nur vorstellen, wie du dich fühlst. I can only imagine how you’re feeling.
Deine Gefühle sind berechtigt und wichtig. Your feelings are valid and important.
Zeit heilt alle Wunden. Time heals all wounds.
Halte an den schönen Erinnerungen fest. Hold on to the beautiful memories.
Du bist nicht allein in deinem Schmerz. You’re not alone in your pain.
Es ist okay, Trauer zu empfinden. It’s okay to feel grief.
Lass uns gemeinsam durch diese Zeit gehen. Let’s get through this time together.

In conclusion, condolences remain a symbol of solidarity and love amongst individuals during times of sorrow and loss. They act as a bridge connecting hearts, alleviating the sting of pain, and reminding individuals that despite life’s hardships and changes, there are always those who stand by their side, offering support and solace.