Periods of Time in German and Time-Related Words

Periods of Time in German

If you want to express  certain periods of time in German , but it doesn’t have a specific name , like Nachmittag , you can do it like this :

  • von (starting time)
  • bis (ending time)

This is the same as from … till … in English .

This can also apply with dates . For example, “Wir haben Schule (school) von Montag bis Freitag” .

Exceptions: “Wir haben frei vom fünfundzwanzigsten Dezember bis zum zweiten Januar” .

How often ?

How often ? Wie oft ?

There are many ways to answer this question . Two are “once/twice/three times in a …”, or “always/often/never” .

A Number or Times :

To say , “once a month”, or “four times a week” , add “mal” to the end of the number and say “in the …”. Here are the translations for “in the …” :

Day am Tag
Week in der Woche or die Woche
Month  im Monat
Year im Jahr
Weekend am Wochenende
Morning am Morgen or morgens
Evening am Abend or abends
Afternoon am Nachmittag or nachmittags
Night in der Nacht or nachts

For example , “We bowl twice a week” is “ Wir kegeln zweimal in der Woche ” .

Often Adverbs :

always immer
most of the time meistens
often oft
sometimes manchmal
seldom selten
never nie
only nur

To apply these words , put them in the sentence , after the verb and subject , but before the sport/activity . You can also use ‘nur’ to say things like , “Sie spielt nur manchmal Tennis” . Note that if this is translated word-for-word , it becomes , “She plays only sometimes tennis.”, not “She only sometimes plays tennis” or “She only plays tennis sometimes” . That’s just the way German is .

Time-Related Words :

Time die Zeit
Free time die Freizeit

To say you have time , ignore the ‘die’ . To say when , insert other phrases you have learned this lesson . For example , “Ich habe am Samstagabend Zeit” . Note that the word order is the same as that of birthdays . You can use Freizeit in the same way .

Note that while “die Zeit” means “the time” , the phrase “Hast du die Zeit?” (“Do you have the time?”) is not used to inquire about what time it is . You can , however , use the phrase to inquire as to whether or not someone has time to do something .