Learn about the body parts in German

 Body Parts in German

German Language Tutorials are for gaining vocabulary as in foreign language vocabulary is really important . If you want to be the German professional then you have to become a “vocabulary star” . German Language is not at all hard, it’s a Myth . German is the language which sounds really beautiful if you are learning it from your bottom of your heart . Now let’s come to the body parts in German language which is known as “Körperteile”.

Knowing how to describe your body in German and specifically where it might hurt or where you suspect a medical condition that needs attention is helpful and potentially even life-saving . If you’re learning German online, you’ll want to know how to say “face” or “feet” in German , too. So we collected in this lesson all the important body parts in German for you .

Body Parts In German :

the foot der Fuß
the arm der Arm
the hand die Hand
the head der Kopf
the finger der Finger
the eyes die Augen
the face das Gesicht
the legs das Bein
the mouth der Mund
the nose die Nase
the knee das Knie
the ear das Ohr
the tooth der Zahn
the neck der Hals
the back der Rücken
the stomach der Bauch
the belly der Bauch
the brain das Gehirn
the hair das Haar
the back der Rücken
the forehead die Stirn
the tongue die Zunge
the eyebrow die Augenbraue
the mustache der Schnurrbart
the chest die Brust
the armpit die Achsel
the toe der Zeh
the heart das Herz
the spleen die Milz
the skeleton das Skelett

Tips for learning German body parts :

  1. Make it a game : Games are always the most fun ways to learn something new . Find a partner and start by tapping a body part of yours. Tap your nose, for example and your partner has to say the German word “Nase”.
  2. Try the English word : When you’re not sure about the German word, try saying the English word with a bit of a German touch, and more often than not, you will get away with it when it comes to body parts .
  3. Use sports : One area where you will hear people talk about body parts is in sports. Watch a game of soccer or a boxing match with German commentary and listen for the body parts .
Now , it’s time for some revision :


I am drawing a man.

First the head.

The man is wearing a hat.

One cannot see the hair.

One cannot see the ears either.

One cannot see his back either.

I am drawing the eyes and the mouth.

The man is dancing and laughing.

The man has a long nose.

He is carrying a cane in his hands.

He is also wearing a scarf around his neck.

It is winter and it is cold.

The arms are athletic.

The legs are also athletic.

The man is made of snow.

He is neither wearing pants nor a coat.

But the man is not freezing.

He is a snowman.