Abstract terms in German

Abstract terms in German.Abstract terms are ubiquitous, yet they are somewhat elusive and challenging to define precisely. Serving as the foundational building blocks of our thoughts and perceptions, they enable us to navigate the complexities of our world, providing a framework through which we interpret our experiences and communicate ideas.

Abstract terms in German

English German
Abstraction Abstraktion
Analysis Analyse
Argument Streit
Concept Konzept
Context Kontext
Contradiction Widerspruch
Deduction Abschluss
Definition die Definition
Empiricism Nachrichtenwissen
Epistemology Theorie des Wissens
Ethical Moral
Fallacy Verderben
Generalization Verallgemeinerung
Hypothesis Hypothese
Ideology Ideologie
Induction Induktion
Inference Abschluss
Logic Logik
Metaphysics Metaphysik
Ontology Ontologie
Paradigm Curriculum
Philosophy Philosophie
Positivism Positivität
Pragmatism Praktisch logisch
Rationalism Rationalität
Scepticism Verdacht
Semantics Semantik
Subjectivity Subjektivität
Synthesis Synthese
Theory die Theorie

Ultimately, delving into the world of abstract terms remains an intriguing and open-ended intellectual journey, shedding light on how we interact with and interpret the world. Through our continuous examination of these terms and our interpretations of them, we persist in developing our understanding of reality and building bridges of communication with others.