Academic Majors in German

Academic Majors in German.Academic majors are the cornerstone of the higher education system, providing students with a framework through which they can develop skills and knowledge in specific areas. These majors are dedicated to equipping students with the necessary tools and knowledge to succeed in their future fields and contribute to societal advancement.

Academic Majors in German

English German
Mathematics Mathematik
Physics Physik
Chemistry Chemie
Biology Biologie
Geology Geologie
Astronomy Astronomie
Engineering Maschinenbau
Computer Science Informatik
Psychology Psychologie
Sociology Soziologie
Economics Wirtschaft
History das Datum
Political Science Politikwissenschaft
Anthropology Anthropologie
Philosophy Philosophie
Literature Literatur
Art die Kunst
Music Musik
Linguistics Linguistik
Law das Gesetz
Medicine Medicine
Dentistry Zahnmedizin
Nursing Pflege
Pharmacy die Apotheke
Veterinary Medicine Tiermedizin
Agriculture Landwirtschaft
Forestry Forstwirtschaft
Environmental Science Umweltwissenschaft
Nutrition Ernährung
Physical Education Sportunterricht

In conclusion, academic majors play a vital role in shaping students’ futures and building knowledgeable societies. These majors provide the scientific and professional foundation that students need to excel in their fields and contribute effectively to scientific and societal progress.