Animals phrases in German

Animals phrases in German  like in any language, serve several purposes:

  1. Communication: Animal phrases are used to convey meaning, emotions, or ideas related to animals. They add variety and color to the language, allowing for creative expression and effective communication.
  2. Cultural references: Animals hold symbolic significance in various cultures, and animal phrases often reflect cultural beliefs, values, and folklore. By using animal phrases, German speakers can draw on cultural references to convey specific meanings or evoke certain emotions.

Animals phrases in German

German Phrase English Translation
[responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Schlau wie ein Fuchs[/responsivevoice] Smart as a fox
[responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Stur wie ein Esel[/responsivevoice] Stubborn as a mule
[responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Fleißig wie eine Biene[/responsivevoice] Busy as a bee
[responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Zäh wie ein Bär[/responsivevoice] Tough as a bear
[responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Frech wie eine Meerkatze[/responsivevoice] Cheeky as a monkey
[responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Langsam wie eine Schnecke[/responsivevoice] Slow as a snail
[responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Leise wie eine Maus[/responsivevoice] Quiet as a mouse
[responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Hungrig wie ein Wolf[/responsivevoice] Hungry as a wolf
[responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Stark wie ein Löwe[/responsivevoice] Strong as a lion
[responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Schlaf wie ein Murmeltier[/responsivevoice] Sleep like a groundhog
[responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Listig wie eine Schlange[/responsivevoice] Cunning as a snake
[responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Dumm wie eine Gans[/responsivevoice] Dumb as a goose
[responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Treu wie ein Hund[/responsivevoice] Loyal as a dog
[responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Flink wie ein Hase[/responsivevoice] Quick as a hare
[responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Arbeiten wie ein Pferd[/responsivevoice] Work like a horse
[responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Verrückt wie eine Eule[/responsivevoice] Crazy as an owl
[responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Elegant wie eine Katze[/responsivevoice] Elegant as a cat
[responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Zutraulich wie ein Papagei[/responsivevoice] Sociable as a parrot
[responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Stolz wie ein Pfau[/responsivevoice] Proud as a peacock
[responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Schön wie ein Schmetterling[/responsivevoice] Beautiful as a butterfly

These phrases represent a range of characteristics associated with animals and are commonly used in the German language.