Asking about time in German

Time in German
Asking someone about the time is an excellent way to start a conversation. So when you find yourself in a German-speaking environment and you want to test out your German skills, knowing how to tell the time in German will be a major advantage .
How to ask what the time in German ?
If you ask “ Wie ist die Zeit? ”, German-speakers would probably understand what you’re asking, but you would not hear a native speaker use that expression. It’s possible to ask “Wie viel Uhr ist es?”, which translates to “How many o’clock is it?”, but it’s most common to ask how late it is if you want to know the time: “Wie spät ist es?” [ʋi ʃpɛːt ɪst ɛs] .
Listen to the phrases below :
Excuse me!
What time is it, please?
Thank you very much.
It is one o’clock.
It is two o’clock.
It is three o’clock.
It is four o’clock.
It is five o’clock.
It is six o’clock.
It is seven o’clock.
It is eight o’clock.
It is nine o’clock.
It is ten o’clock.
It is eleven o’clock.
It is twelve o’clock.
A minute has sixty seconds.
An hour has sixty minutes.
A day has twenty-four hours.