Carpenter tools in German

Carpenter tools in German.In the realm of crafts and handiwork, carpentry stands as an ancient art of paramount significance, melding creativity, precision, and skill. Carpenter tools are the fundamental element enabling the craftsman to transform an ordinary piece of wood into a valuable and functional work of art.

Carpenter tools in German

German English
Gesehen Saw
Herrscher Ruler
Nagel Nail
Hammer Hammer
Schrauben Screw
Alten Plane
Bohren Drill
Kühler Chisel
Falz File
Feder Shave
Kettensäge Circular saw
Pistole Glue gun
Elektrische Schraube Electric nail gun
Al -Shaddad Clamp
Zimmerei Carpentry

Finally,we hope this article has provided you with a profound insight and rich knowledge about carpenter tools and the tangible value they add to the production process.