Comparative and superlative forms in German

In German, just like in English, adjectives can have comparative and superlative forms. These forms are used to compare and describe the degree of an adjective. In this introduction, I will explain how to form comparative and superlative forms in German.

Predicate and attributive adjectives use the same base-form in the positive (1st) degree, e.g. groß. But then the attributive adjective will also have a declension, e.g. -e → große

Both predicate & attributive adjectives also form the comparative (2nd) degree the same way: by adding -er (and occasionally umlauting the stem-vowel), e.g. größer and größereAgain, the difference here is just the added declension on the attributive adjective.

The superlative degree is formed by adding -st (and occasionally umlauting the stem-vowel). But then the predicate vs. attributive tracks make some additional changes. 

The best way to teach you when to use comparative and superlative adjective forms is to simply run you through a lot of examples (<– coming right up!).

As for the how to use these 2nd & 3rd degree adjective forms … well, I’ll start by pointing out what’s happening in the various examples I’m going to show you:

Adjective (Base Form) Comparative Form Superlative Form
alt (old) älter am ältesten
jung (young) jünger am jüngsten
klein (small) kleiner am kleinsten
groß (big) größer am größten
gut (good) besser am besten
schlecht (bad) schlechter am schlechtesten
schön (beautiful) schöner am schönsten
lang (long) länger am längsten
kurz (short) kürzer am kürzesten
schnell (fast) schneller am schnellsten
langsam (slow) langsamer am langsamsten
teuer (expensive) teurer am teuersten
billig (cheap) billiger am billigsten
stark (strong) stärker am stärksten
schwach (weak) schwächer am schwächsten
schön (beautiful) schöner am schönsten
laut (loud) lauter am lautesten
leise (quiet) leiser am leisesten
intelligent (smart) intelligenter am intelligentesten
dumm (stupid) dümmer am dümmsten

Remember that these forms can change based on the gender, number, and case of the noun they modify. Practice using them in sentences to familiarize yourself with their usage.