Comparative phrases in German

In German, comparative phrases are formed using specific comparative forms of adjectives and adverbs. Here’s how you can form comparative phrases:
- Comparative Adjectives:
- For most adjectives, the comparative form is created by adding “-er” at the end of the base adjective. For example:
- schnell (fast) becomes schneller (faster)
- groß (big) becomes größer (bigger)
- If the base adjective already ends in “-e,” you simply add “-r” to form the comparative. For example:
- teuer (expensive) becomes teurer (more expensive)
- Some adjectives have irregular comparative forms, and they need to be memorized. For example:
- gut (good) becomes besser (better)
- viel (much/many) becomes mehr (more)
- For most adjectives, the comparative form is created by adding “-er” at the end of the base adjective. For example:
- Comparative Adverbs:
- Adverbs are often formed by adding “-erweise” to the base adverb. For example:
- schnell (quickly) becomes schnellerweise (more quickly)
- oft (often) becomes öfterweise (more often)
- Like adjectives, some adverbs have irregular comparative forms. For example:
- gut (well) becomes besser (better)
- viel (much) becomes mehr (more)
- Adverbs are often formed by adding “-erweise” to the base adverb. For example:
- Using “als” or “wie”:
- In comparative phrases, “als” or “wie” is used to introduce the second element of comparison. “Als” is used when comparing two different entities, while “wie” is used when comparing similarities or equivalences.
- For example:
- Er ist schneller als ich. (He is faster than me.)
- Sie ist so groß wie ihr Bruder. (She is as tall as her brother.)
Comparative phrases in German
English | German |
bigger | größer |
smaller | kleiner |
faster | schneller |
slower | langsamer |
older | älter |
younger | jünger |
cheaper | billiger |
more expensive | teurer |
hotter | heißer |
colder | kälter |
better | besser |
worse | schlechter |
taller | größer |
shorter | kleiner |
longer | länger |
shorter (duration) | kürzer |
more intelligent | intelligenter |
less intelligent | weniger intelligent |
more beautiful | schöner |
less beautiful | weniger schön |