Expressing likes and dislikes and numbers in German

Expressing likes and dislikes in German

There are several ways for expressing likes and dislikes in German . The way mentioned below is a causal way . You can also add other verbs , for other things , like asking or saying if they like to play , or make things . 

Examples about using other verbs for Expressing likes and dislikes in German :

  • To express preference , use “lieber” instead of gern . For example, “ Wir spielen lieber Fußball .”
  • To express favorites , you use “am liebsten” , meaning “most of all” , in the same context as lieber . For example, “ Ich spiele am liebsten Schach “.
  • To express dislikes , use “nicht gern” instead of gern .

German Numbers :

Let’s start learning German numbers with their pronunciation . Look at the table below :

English Deutsch English Deutsch
one eins twelve zwölf
two zwei thirteen dreizehn
three drei fourteen vierzehn
four vier fifteen fünfzehn
five fünf -teen -zehn
six sechs twenty zwanzig
seven sieben thirty dreißig
eight acht forty vierzig
nine neun -ty -zig
ten zehn seventeen siebzehn
eleven elf seventy siebzig

This table shows the basic numbers in German . To say , twenty-one , say “Einundzwanzig”  – all one word . ‘Eins’ drops its ‘s’ whenever it is in that position . Therefore , that means “One and twenty”, in German .

One more change happens at 16 and 60 : Instead of creating a word with ‘sz’ (sechszig, sechszehn), the ‘s’ is dropped , creating sechzig (60) and sechzehn (16) , pronounced as in “ich”.

Watch out for ‘Dreißig’ . It is not formed with -zig at the end like all other decades (“zwanzig, vierzig, fünfzig, …”)!

To say numbers higher than 99 :

  • hundred → Hundert
  • thousand → Tausend

For example : 2984 is said, “Zweitausendneunhundertvierundachtzig.”  (Zwei tausend neun hundert vier und achtzig) (2 × 1000) + (9 × 100) + 4 & 80 .