Fruits and vegetables in German

Learning the names of fruits and vegetables in German serves several purposes:

  1. Communication: Knowing the names of fruits and vegetables in German enables you to effectively communicate your preferences, dietary requirements, and make specific requests when shopping, dining, or cooking in German-speaking countries. It allows you to navigate grocery stores, markets, and restaurants with ease.
  2. Cultural Understanding: Learning the names of fruits and vegetables in German provides insight into German culinary traditions and dietary habits. It allows you to appreciate local cuisine, traditional dishes, and regional specialties. Understanding culture can enhance your cultural understanding and interactions.
  3. Healthy Lifestyle: Knowing can be beneficial for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It helps you make informed choices when shopping for fresh produce, follow recipes in German, and incorporate a variety of fruits and vegetables into your diet. Additionally, it enables you to communicate dietary preferences or restrictions effectively.
English German
Apple Apfel
Banana Banane
Orange Orange
Strawberry Erdbeere
Tomato Tomate
Potato Kartoffel
Carrot Karotte
Cucumber Gurke
Spinach Spinat
Lettuce Salat
Lemon Zitrone
Pineapple Ananas
Watermelon Wassermelone
Peach Pfirsich
Pear Birne
Cherry Kirsche
Grapes Trauben
Broccoli Brokkoli
Cauliflower Blumenkohl
Pumpkin Kürbis