German phrases about Asthma

German phrases about Asthma.Asthma is more than just a buzzword in healthcare; it’s a chronic condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Characterized by recurring episodes of breathlessness, wheezing, and coughing, this respiratory disorder has a profound impact on quality of life for both children and adults. Although asthma is treatable with medication and lifestyle adjustments, there is no known cure, making it a lifelong challenge for those diagnosed with the condition.


German phrases about Asthma

German Phrase English Translation
Asthma bronchiale Bronchial asthma
Asthmaanfall Asthma attack
Kurzatmigkeit Shortness of breath
Pfeifende Atmung Wheezing
Asthma-Inhalator Asthma inhaler
Asthma-Medikamente Asthma medication
Chronische Atemwegserkrankung Chronic respiratory disease
Asthma-Symptome Asthma symptoms
Notfall-Asthma-Plan Emergency asthma plan
Atemnot Breathlessness
Entzündung der Atemwege Inflammation of the airways
Asthma-Diagnose Asthma diagnosis
Asthma-Behandlung Asthma treatment
Asthma-Prävention Asthma prevention

German sentenses about Asthma

German Sentence English Translation
Ich habe Asthma seit meiner Kindheit. I have had asthma since my childhood.
Ein Asthmaanfall kann sehr beängstigend sein. An asthma attack can be very frightening.
Kurzatmigkeit ist ein häufiges Symptom von Asthma. Shortness of breath is a common symptom of asthma.
Ich benutze einen Inhalator zur Behandlung meiner Asthmasymptome. I use an inhaler to treat my asthma symptoms.
Der Arzt hat mir geraten, ein Peak-Flow-Meter zu verwenden. The doctor advised me to use a peak flow meter.
Allergien können Asthma verschlimmern. Allergies can worsen asthma.
Stress und Anstrengung können einen Asthmaanfall auslösen. Stress and exertion can trigger an asthma attack.

Symptoms of Asthma in German

English Symptoms German Symptoms
Shortness of breath Kurzatmigkeit
Wheezing Pfeifende Atmung
Coughing Husten
Chest tightness Engegefühl in der Brust
Difficulty breathing Atembeschwerden
Rapid breathing Schnelle Atmung
Increased heart rate Erhöhter Herzschlag
Restlessness or anxiety Unruhe oder Angst
Blue lips or fingers Blaue Lippen oder Finger
Difficulty talking Schwierigkeiten beim Sprechen

Causes of Asthma in German

English Causes/Triggers German Causes/Triggers
Allergens Allergene
Pollen Pollen
Dust mites Hausstaubmilben
Animal dander Tierhaare
Smoke Rauch
Air pollution Luftverschmutzung
Exercise Sport
Cold air Kalte Luft
Respiratory infections Atemwegsinfektionen
Stress and strong emotions Stress und starke Emotionen
Certain medications Bestimmte Medikamente
Chemical fumes Chemische Dämpfe
Food additives Lebensmittelzusatzstoffe
Occupational triggers Berufliche Auslöser
Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) Gastroösophagealer Reflux (GERD)

Asthma treatment in German

English Treatment German Treatment
Inhalers Inhalatoren
Short-acting bronchodilators Kurzwirksame Bronchodilatatoren
Long-acting bronchodilators Langwirksame Bronchodilatatoren
Corticosteroids Corticosteroide
Nebulizers Vernebler
Anti-inflammatory medication Entzündungshemmende Medikamente
Allergy medication Allergiemedikamente
Leukotriene modifiers Leukotrien-Modifikatoren
Oral steroids Orale Steroide
Asthma action plan Asthma-Aktionsplan
Peak flow meter Peak-Flow-Meter
Lifestyle changes Lebensstiländerungen
Immunotherapy Immuntherapie
Biologic therapy Biologische Therapie
Pulmonary rehabilitation Pulmonale Rehabilitation
Oxygen therapy Sauerstofftherapie
Avoiding triggers Vermeidung von Auslösern

In conclusion, asthma remains an area requiring further research and understanding. While current medical science offers effective tools for managing the condition, the ultimate goal is to find a treatment that eradicates the disease entirely.
