German phrases about Chickenpox

German phrases about Chickenpox.Chickenpox, also known medically as varicella, is a viral infection affecting both children and adults, although it is more commonly associated with childhood. Characterized by the appearance of itchy, fluid-filled blisters on the skin surface and sometimes accompanied by fever, this disease is a rite of passage for many but can lead to serious complications if not appropriately managed.


German phrases about Chickenpox

English Phrases German Phrases
Chickenpox Windpocken
Itchy blisters Juckende Blasen
Contagious Ansteckend
Incubation period Inkubationszeit
Vaccination Impfung
Antiviral medication Antivirale Medikation
Calamine lotion Calamin-Lotion
Fever Fieber
Complications Komplikationen
Immunity Immunität
Transmission Übertragung

German sentenses about Chickenpox

English Sentences German Sentences
Chickenpox is a contagious disease. Windpocken sind eine ansteckende Krankheit.
The virus is spread through respiratory droplets. Das Virus wird durch Atemtröpfchen übertragen.
Children are commonly vaccinated against chickenpox. Kinder werden häufig gegen Windpocken geimpft.
The symptoms include fever and itchy blisters. Die Symptome umfassen Fieber und juckende Blasen.
Adults can have more severe symptoms. Erwachsene können schwerere Symptome haben.
Calamine lotion can help relieve itching. Calamin-Lotion kann helfen, den Juckreiz zu lindern.
Antiviral medication can be prescribed for severe cases. Antivirale Medikation kann bei schweren Fällen verschrieben werden.
Complications can include bacterial infections. Komplikationen können bakterielle Infektionen umfassen.

Symptoms of Chickenpox in German

English Symptoms German Symptoms
Itchy red spots Juckende rote Flecken
Fluid-filled blisters Mit Flüssigkeit gefüllte Blasen
Fever Fieber
Fatigue Müdigkeit
Loss of appetite Appetitlosigkeit
Headache Kopfschmerzen
Sore throat Halsschmerzen
Muscle pain Muskelschmerzen
Malaise Unwohlsein
Nausea Übelkeit

Causes of Chickenpox in German

English Causes German Causes
Varicella-Zoster Virus Varizella-Zoster-Virus
Direct contact with a sick person Direkter Kontakt mit einer kranken Person
Respiratory droplets Atemtröpfchen
Contaminated objects Kontaminierte Gegenstände
Airborne transmission Luftübertragung
Physical contact with blisters Körperkontakt mit Blasen
Close contact in household Enger Kontakt im Haushalt
Contaminated surfaces Kontaminierte Oberflächen
Unvaccinated individuals Nicht geimpfte Personen
Community outbreaks Ausbrüche in der Gemeinschaft

Chickenpox treatment in German

English Treatments German Treatments
Antiviral medication Antivirale Medikation
Calamine lotion Calamin-Lotion
Over-the-counter antihistamines Rezeptfreie Antihistaminika
Acetaminophen for fever Paracetamol gegen Fieber
Cold compress Kalte Kompresse
Hydration Flüssigkeitszufuhr
Bed rest Bettruhe
Isolation to prevent spread Isolation zur Verhinderung der Ausbreitung
Topical ointments for itch relief Lokale Salben zur Linderung von Juckreiz
Avoid scratching Kratzen vermeiden

Finally,in this article, we’ve covered various aspects of chickenpox, from its symptoms and causes to treatment options and preventive measures. The goal has been to raise awareness about the potential severity of chickenpox and how to protect against it.
