German phrases about Diabetes

German phrases about Diabetes.Diabetes is one of the most pervasive and formidable health challenges facing humanity today, affecting millions of people across various age groups and cultural backgrounds. The disease is not just alarming due to the sheer number of people it affects, but also for its debilitating impact on quality of life and its severe complications, such as vision loss, kidney failure, and even death in extreme cases.


German phrases about Diabetes

German Phrase English Translation
Diabetes mellitus Diabetes mellitus
Typ-1-Diabetes Type 1 Diabetes
Typ-2-Diabetes Type 2 Diabetes
Blutzuckerspiegel Blood sugar level
Insulin Insulin
Insulinpumpe Insulin pump
Glukose Glucose
Diabetische Retinopathie Diabetic Retinopathy
Hypoglykämie Hypoglycemia
Hyperglykämie Hyperglycemia
Ernährungsplan Meal plan
Diabetische Neuropathie Diabetic Neuropathy

German sentenses about Diabetes

German Sentence English Translation
Diabetes ist eine chronische Erkrankung. Diabetes is a chronic illness.
Typ-1-Diabetes tritt meistens in der Kindheit auf. Type 1 diabetes usually occurs in childhood.
Bei Typ-2-Diabetes spielt der Lebensstil eine große Rolle. Lifestyle plays a big role in Type 2 diabetes.
Insulin wird in der Bauchspeicheldrüse produziert. Insulin is produced in the pancreas.
Ein hoher Blutzuckerspiegel kann zu verschiedenen Problemen führen. A high blood sugar level can lead to various problems.
Hypoglykämie ist ein Zustand niedrigen Blutzuckers. Hypoglycemia is a state of low blood sugar.
Diabetische Neuropathie kann die Nerven schädigen. Diabetic neuropathy can damage the nerves.
Es ist wichtig, regelmäßig den Blutzucker zu messen. It’s important to regularly measure blood sugar.
Diabetiker sollten eine ausgewogene Ernährung haben. Diabetics should have a balanced diet.

Causes of Diabetes in German

German Cause English Translation
Genetische Veranlagung Genetic predisposition
Übergewicht Overweight
Unzureichende körperliche Aktivität Insufficient physical activity
Ernährung reich an Zucker und Fett Diet rich in sugar and fat
Hoher Blutdruck High blood pressure
Hormonelle Veränderungen Hormonal changes
Medikamente wie Steroide Medications like steroids
Stress Stress
Rauchen Smoking
Alkoholkonsum Alcohol consumption
Autoimmunerkrankung Autoimmune disease (primarily for Type 1)
Bauchspeicheldrüsenerkrankungen Pancreatic diseases
Metabolisches Syndrom Metabolic syndrome
Schwangerschaft Pregnancy (Gestational diabetes)

Symptoms of Diabetes in German

German Symptom English Translation
Häufiges Wasserlassen Frequent urination
Starker Durst Excessive thirst
Müdigkeit Fatigue
Unklare Sicht Blurred vision
Plötzlicher Gewichtsverlust Sudden weight loss
Ständiges Hungergefühl Constant hunger
Trockene Haut Dry skin
Wundheilungsstörungen Slow wound healing
Taubheitsgefühl in den Extremitäten Numbness in extremities
Reizbarkeit Irritability
Übelkeit und Erbrechen Nausea and vomiting
Hautinfektionen Skin infections
Dunkle Hautflecken Dark skin patches
Atemprobleme Breathing problems

Finally,patients and their families must actively collaborate with healthcare providers to implement advised medical regimens and maintain a healthy lifestyle. It is equally vital for society to support scientific research and raise awareness about the risks and realities of diabetes.