German phrases about Time management.Time is one of the most precious resources we have, yet it often feels like we’re running out of it. In an era marked by constant pressure and speed, effective time management stands as a crucial factor that can profoundly impact our quality of life.
German phrases about Time management
German Phrase
English Translation
Context / Usage
Time Management
General term for managing time
Prioritäten setzen
Set Priorities
Deciding what tasks are most important
Task List
A list of tasks that need to be completed
Time Window
A specific period allocated for a particular task
The time by which a task must be completed
To delay or postpone tasks
How important and time-sensitive a task is
Zeit sparen
Save Time
Making the most out of your time
The sequence of processes involved in a task
A plan for when tasks should be done
Pausen einlegen
Take Breaks
Taking short rests between tasks
Performing multiple tasks simultaneously
Achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort
German sentenses about Time management
German Sentence
English Translation
Context / Usage
Gutes Zeitmanagement beginnt mit einer Planung.
Good time management starts with planning.
Importance of planning
Ich muss meine Prioritäten setzen.
I have to set my priorities.
Deciding what’s important
Diese Aufgabe hat eine enge Frist.
This task has a tight deadline.
Time-sensitive task
Ich neige dazu, Aufgaben aufzuschieben.
I tend to procrastinate tasks.
Admitting to procrastination
Das ist ein echter Zeitfresser.
That is a real time waster.
Something that consumes time
Ich benutze eine Aufgabenliste, um organisiert zu bleiben.
I use a task list to stay organized.
Organizational tool
Ein klares Zeitfenster erleichtert die Arbeit.
A clear time window makes work easier.
Importance of allocated time
Ich sollte öfter Pausen einlegen.
I should take breaks more often.
Importance of rest
Importance of Time management in German
German Sentence
English Translation
Context / Usage
Gutes Zeitmanagement steigert die Produktivität.
Good time management boosts productivity.
Effect on productivity
Durch Zeitmanagement reduziert man Stress.
Time management reduces stress.
Mental health benefits
Zeitmanagement fördert die Work-Life-Balance.
Time management promotes work-life balance.
Work-life balance
Mit effektivem Zeitmanagement erreicht man mehr in weniger Zeit.
With effective time management, you achieve more in less time.
Time management allows for better decision-making.
Quality of decision-making
Gutes Zeitmanagement führt zu mehr Freizeit.
Good time management leads to more free time.
Personal life benefits
Durch Zeitmanagement verbessert man die Lebensqualität.
Time management improves the quality of life.
Overall life quality
Zeitmanagement hilft, Prioritäten richtig zu setzen.
Time management helps in setting the right priorities.
Importance of prioritizing
Time management skills in German
German Skill/Sentence
English Translation
Context / Usage
Aufgaben priorisieren
Prioritizing tasks
Deciding what tasks are most important
Zeitpläne und Kalender verwenden
Using schedules and calendars
Organizational tools
Zwischen dringenden und wichtigen Aufgaben unterscheiden
Distinguishing between urgent and important tasks
Setting priorities
Die Pomodoro-Technik anwenden
Applying the Pomodoro Technique
Time management technique
Arbeitszeit und Pausenzeiten festlegen
Setting work hours and break times
Structuring work time
Aufgaben in kleinere Teilaufgaben zerlegen
Breaking tasks into smaller sub-tasks
Task management
Arbeitsabläufe optimieren
Optimizing workflows
Making tasks more efficient
Ablenkungen minimieren
Minimizing distractions
Focused work
To-Do-Listen erstellen
Creating to-do lists
Keeping track of tasks
Delegieren von Aufgaben
Delegating tasks
Sharing workload
Die Eisenhower-Matrix verwenden
Using the Eisenhower Matrix
Prioritization tool
Selbstreflexion und Zeitkontrolle
Self-reflection and time auditing
Assessing how time is spent
In the end, time management stands as one of the most critical elements contributing to our success and happiness. If you aim to achieve a balanced life and reach your goals, mastering the art of time management is the first step in that direction.