German phrases at bakery.Every morning, the aroma of freshly baked bread wafts through alleys and streets, heralding the start of a new day and promising a warm breakfast. The bakery, this seemingly simple place, represents for many not just a source of food, but also a symbol of social interaction, a gathering spot for friends and neighbors.
German phrases at bakery
German Phrase
English Translation
Guten Morgen!
Good morning!
Greeting the bakery staff or other customers.
Was möchten Sie?
What would you like?
Staff asking what you’d like to order.
Ich hätte gern …
I would like …
Starting your order.
Ein Brötchen, bitte.
One roll, please.
Ordering a single roll.
Zwei Croissants, bitte.
Two croissants, please.
Ordering multiple pastries.
Haben Sie Vollkornbrot?
Do you have whole grain bread?
Asking for a specific type of bread.
Ist das frisch?
Is this fresh?
Asking about the freshness of the baked goods.
German sentenses at bakery
German Sentence
English Translation
Guten Morgen, wie kann ich Ihnen helfen?
Good morning, how can I assist you?
Bakery staff greeting a customer and offering assistance.
Ich hätte gern zwei Brötchen und ein Croissant.
I’d like two rolls and a croissant.
Customer placing an order for multiple items.
Haben Sie auch glutenfreies Brot?
Do you also have gluten-free bread?
Customer asking for a specific type of bread.
Ja, das glutenfreie Brot ist da drüben.
Yes, the gluten-free bread is over there.
Staff pointing out where the gluten-free bread is located.
Wie viel kostet dieses Sauerteigbrot?
How much does this sourdough bread cost?
Asking about the price of a specific item.
Das Sauerteigbrot kostet 3,50 Euro.
The sourdough bread costs 3.50 euros.
Staff providing the price of the item.
Können Sie es in Scheiben schneiden?
Can you slice it?
Asking for the bread to be sliced.
German vocabulary at bakery
German Word
English Translation
The establishment where baked goods are sold.
Small bread rolls, often eaten for breakfast.
A French pastry that is also popular in Germany.
General term for cakes and sweet baked goods.
A staple food made from flour, water, and yeast.
Whole grain bread
Bread made from whole grain flour.
Sourdough bread
Bread made with natural yeast (sourdough starter).
Cash register
The area where you pay for your items.
The people who assist you in the bakery.
German conversation at bakery
German Phrase
English Translation
Guten Morgen!
Good morning!
Bakery Staff
Guten Morgen! Was möchten Sie?
Good morning! What would you like?
Ich hätte gern zwei Brötchen.
I would like two rolls, please.
Bakery Staff
Selbstverständlich, etwas anderes?
Of course, anything else?
Haben Sie auch Croissants?
Do you also have croissants?
Bakery Staff
Ja, wir haben frische Croissants.
Yes, we have fresh croissants.
Dann nehme ich auch ein Croissant.
Then I’ll also take a croissant.
Bakery Staff
Sehr gut, möchten Sie noch einen Kaffee dazu?
Very good, would you like a coffee with that?
Nein, danke. Das ist alles.
No, thank you. That’s all.
Bakery Staff
Das macht dann 4,50 Euro, bitte.
That will be 4.50 euros, please.
Kann ich mit Karte zahlen?
Can I pay by card?
Bakery Staff
Ja, natürlich.
Yes, of course.
Hier bitte.
Here you go.
Bakery Staff
Vielen Dank, hier ist Ihre Quittung.
Thank you, here’s your receipt.
Danke, einen schönen Tag noch!
Thank you, have a nice day!
Bakery Staff
Danke, Ihnen auch!
Thank you, you too!
Finally, the next time you visit a bakery, try to see beyond the shelves filled with baked goods. You may find in that humble corner something that evokes nostalgia and adds a deeper meaning to ordinary life.