German phrases at barber shop

German phrases at barber shop.The humble barber shop has always been more than just a venue for getting your hair cut or styled. It isn’t merely a setting where you go to improve your physical appearance; it’s a social hub, a space for interaction and communication, and a platform for the exchange of ideas and cultures.

German phrases at barber shop

English Phrase German Phrase Pronunciation Usage/Context
Haircut Haarschnitt ‘haar-shnit’ Asking for a haircut
Shave Rasur ‘rah-zoor’ Asking for a shave
Shorter Kürzer ‘kuer-tser’ Asking for shorter hair
Longer Länger ‘laen-ger’ Asking for longer hair
How would you like it? Wie möchten Sie es? ‘vee moekh-ten zee es’ Asking customer’s preference
Wash Waschen ‘vah-shen’ Asking to wash your hair
Trim Stutzen ‘shtoot-zen’ Asking for a trim
Style Frisur ‘free-zoor’ Asking for a particular style
Layers Stufen ‘shtoo-fen’ Asking for layers
Appointment Termin ‘tehr-meen’ Scheduling an appointment

German sentsnses at barber shop

English Sentence German Sentence Pronunciation Usage/Context
Can I have a haircut? Kann ich einen Haarschnitt bekommen? ‘kahn ikh i-nen ‘haar-shnit be-kom-men’ Asking for a haircut
How much does it cost? Wie viel kostet das? ‘vee feel kos-tet das’ Inquiring about the price
Do you have any available appointments today? Haben Sie heute noch einen freien Termin? ‘hah-ben zee hoy-te nokh i-nen fry-en tehr-meen’ Checking for same-day availability
I would like a trim. Ich möchte nur die Spitzen schneiden lassen. ‘ikh mukh-te noor dee shpits-en shny-den la-sen’ Requesting a minor cut
Could you shorten the sides? Können Sie die Seiten kürzer schneiden? ‘ker-nen zee dee sy-ten kuer-tser shny-den’ Asking for shorter sides
I would like it layered. Ich möchte es stufig haben. ‘ikh mukh-te es shtoo-fig hah-ben’ Asking for layered hair
Please, wash my hair. Bitte, waschen Sie meine Haare. ‘bit-te, vah-shen zee my-ne hah-re’ Requesting a hair wash

German vocabulary at barber shop

English Term German Term Pronunciation Usage/Context
Hair Haar ‘haar’ General term for hair
Scissors Schere ‘she-re’ Tool for cutting hair
Comb Kamm ‘kahm’ Tool for combing hair
Shampoo Shampoo ‘sham-poo’ Used for washing hair
Conditioner Spülung ‘spyu-loong’ Used for conditioning hair
Hair Dryer Föhn ‘fern’ Used for drying hair
Clippers Haarschneider ‘haar-shny-der’ Used for cutting short hair
Razor Rasierer ‘ra-see-er-er’ Used for shaving
Mirror Spiegel ‘shpee-gel’ Used to check appearance
Towel Handtuch ‘hant-tookh’ Used for drying
Beard Bart ‘bart’ Facial hair
Mustache Schnurrbart ‘shnoor-bart’ Hair above the upper lip

German conversation at barber shop

English Conversation German Conversation Pronunciation Usage/Context
Hello Hallo ‘ha-lo’ Greeting the barber
Do you have time today? Haben Sie heute Zeit? ‘hah-ben zee hoy-te tsayt’ Asking for availability
I need a haircut. Ich brauche einen Haarschnitt. ‘ikh brow-khe i-nen haar-shnit’ Requesting a haircut
How much does it cost? Wie viel kostet es? ‘vee feel kos-tet es’ Asking about the price
Short or long? Kurz oder lang? ‘koorts oh-der lahng’ Barber asking your preference
Make it shorter. Machen Sie es kürzer. ‘mah-khen zee es kuer-tser’ Asking for a shorter haircut
Keep it long on the top. Oben lang lassen. ‘o-ben lahng lah-sen’ Asking to keep the top long
Do you want a wash? Möchten Sie eine Wäsche? ‘mokh-ten zee i-ne vae-she’ Barber offering to wash hair
Yes, please. Ja, bitte. ‘yah bit-te’ Agreeing to wash
Is this length okay? Ist diese Länge in Ordnung? ‘ist dee-ze laen-ge in or-doong’ Barber confirming length
It looks good. Das sieht gut aus. ‘dahs zeet goot ows’ Approving the haircut
Do you want some gel? Möchten Sie etwas Gel? ‘mokh-ten zee et-vahs gel’ Barber offering styling gel
No, thank you. Nein, danke. ‘nyn dahn-ke’ Declining the offer
How would you like to pay? Wie möchten Sie bezahlen? ‘vee mokh-ten zee be-tsah-len’ Barber asking about payment
I’ll pay by card. Ich zahle mit Karte. ‘ikh tsah-le mit kahr-te’ Choosing to pay by card
Thank you! Danke! ‘dahn-ke’ Thanking the barber

In conclusion, the barber shop is not merely a technical space focused on hair and skin care; it’s a vibrant venue that contributes to shaping our persona and offers a platform for interaction and communication.