German phrases at garden.In an era where urban sprawl and noise pollution have become the norm, gardens stand as sanctuaries of tranquility and aesthetic delight. They are not mere patches of greenery dotted with trees and flowers, but vibrant spaces where life unfolds in its manifold details.
German phrases at garden
German Phrase
English Translation
Der Garten
The Garden
General term for garden
Die Blume
The Flower
Describing plants
Der Baum
The Tree
Describing plants
Der Strauch
The Shrub
Describing smaller woody plants
Die Gartenbank
The Garden Bench
Furniture in the garden
Die Gießkanne
The Watering Can
Watering plants
Der Rasenmäher
The Lawnmower
Cutting grass
Der Teich
The Pond
Water features
Die Vogelscheuche
The Scarecrow
Garden decoration or bird deterrent
Die Blumenbeet
The Flower Bed
Specific area for flowers
German sentnses at garden
German Sentence
English Translation
Der Garten blüht im Frühling.
The garden blooms in spring.
Observing seasonal changes
Ich pflanze neue Blumen.
I am planting new flowers.
Discussing gardening activities
Kannst du bitte die Rosen gießen?
Can you please water the roses?
Asking for help with watering
Die Vögel singen im Baum.
The birds are singing in the tree.
Observing wildlife
Der Rasen muss gemäht werden.
The lawn needs to be mowed.
Discussing garden maintenance
Ich schneide die Hecke.
I am trimming the hedge.
Discussing gardening activities
Der Teich braucht eine Reinigung.
The pond needs cleaning.
Discussing garden maintenance
Setz dich auf die Gartenbank.
Sit down on the garden bench.
Inviting someone to rest
German conversation at garden
German Conversation
English Translation
Wie oft muss ich diese Pflanze gießen?
How often should I water this plant?
Asking for plant care advice
Der Rasen sieht toll aus!
The lawn looks great!
Complimenting the garden
Wann ist die beste Zeit zum Düngen?
When is the best time to fertilize?
Discussing plant care
Ich liebe den Duft der Rosen.
I love the scent of the roses.
Appreciating the garden
Hast du die Vögel gehört?
Did you hear the birds?
Observing wildlife
Wir brauchen eine neue Gießkanne.
We need a new watering can.
Discussing garden supplies
Wo ist die Gartenschere?
Where are the garden shears?
Looking for a specific tool
Lass uns im Schatten des Baumes sitzen.
Let’s sit in the shade of the tree.
Choosing a place to relax
Kannst du bitte die Hecke schneiden?
Can you please trim the hedge?
Asking for help with garden maintenance
Was ist deine Lieblingsblume?
What is your favorite flower?
General conversation
Die Tomaten sind reif für die Ernte.
The tomatoes are ripe for harvesting.
Discussing vegetable gardening
Der Teich könnte eine Reinigung gebrauchen.
The pond could use some cleaning.
Discussing maintenance
Die Sonnenblumen wachsen schnell.
The sunflowers are growing quickly.
Observing plant growth
Ich werde die Rosen umpflanzen.
I will transplant the roses.
Discussing plant arrangement
Achtung, da sind viele Bienen!
Watch out, there are many bees!
Warning about insects
Die Vogelscheuche erledigt ihre Arbeit gut.
The scarecrow is doing its job well.
Commenting on garden accessories
Gibt es einen Komposthaufen?
Is there a compost pile?
Discussing sustainable practices
Wann hast du zuletzt den Rasen gemäht?
When did you last mow the lawn?
Discussing garden maintenance
In closing, a garden is not just a place we visit but an experience we live. It enlightens us with new meanings and opens doors to a deeper understanding of the world and ourselves. Therefore, let us cherish and maintain these gardens as they do us, ensuring they remain eternal sources of beauty and peace in our lives.