German phrases at the airport

German phrases at the airport.Remember that many people at airports, especially in major international hubs, will likely understand and speak English. However, making an effort to communicate in the local language can often be appreciated.
German phrases in the airport
- Flughafen – Airport
- Terminal – Terminal
- Einchecken – To check in
- Flugzeug – Airplane
- Flugticket – Flight ticket
- Boardingpass – Boarding pass
- Gepäck – Luggage
- Gepäckaufgabe – Baggage drop
- Handgepäck – Hand luggage
- Sicherheitskontrolle – Security check
German vocabulary in the airport
English | German | |
Airport | ||
Airplane | ||
Flight | ||
Ticket | ||
Boarding pass | ||
Passport | ||
Departure | ||
Arrival | ||
Gate | ||
Check-in desk | ||
Baggage claim | ||
Customs | ||
Security check | ||
Luggage | ||
Carry-on bag | ||
Delay | ||
Canceled | ||
Duty-free | ||
Lounge | ||
Seat | ||
Window seat | ||
Aisle seat |
German phrases customs immigration in the airport
German Phrase | English Translation | Context or Usage |
Reisepass, bitte. | Passport, please. | Immigration officer asking for your passport. |
Was ist der Grund für Ihren Besuch? | What is the purpose of your visit? | Inquiring about the reason for your visit. |
Ich bin hier für den Tourismus. | I am here for tourism. | Responding to the purpose of your visit. |
Ich bin geschäftlich hier. | I am here on business. | Responding to the purpose of your visit. |
Wie lange bleiben Sie? | How long will you stay? | Asking about the duration of your stay. |
Ich bleibe zwei Wochen. | I will stay for two weeks. | Responding to the duration of your stay. |
Wo werden Sie untergebracht? | Where will you be staying? | Asking about your accommodation. |
Ich habe eine Hotelreservierung. | I have a hotel reservation. | Responding about your accommodation. |
Haben Sie etwas zu verzollen? | Do you have anything to declare? | Asking if you have any items to declare. |
Nein, ich habe nichts zu verzollen. | No, I have nothing to declare. | If you don’t have anything to declare. |
Talk to the flight attendant in German
German | English |
Entschuldigung, können Sie mir helfen? | Excuse me, can you help me? |
Könnte ich ein Glas Wasser haben? | Could I have a glass of water? |
Könnte ich bitte ein Kissen bekommen? | Could I please get a pillow? |
Wo ist die Toilette? | Where is the restroom? |
Darf ich aufstehen und meine Beine strecken? | May I stand up and stretch my legs? |
Ist hier ein vegetarisches Essen verfügbar? | Is there a vegetarian meal available? |
Ich habe meine Bordkarte verloren. | I have lost my boarding pass. |
Könnten Sie mir bitte das Essen ohne Nüsse geben? | Could you please give me the food without nuts? |
Mir ist kalt. Könnte ich eine Decke haben? | I am cold. Could I have a blanket? |
Wie lange dauert der Flug noch? | How much longer is the flight? |
Könnte ich einen Kaffee haben, bitte? | Could I have a coffee, please? |
Ich fühle mich nicht gut. Können Sie einen Arzt rufen? | I don’t feel well. Can you call a doctor? |
Gibt es Kopfhörer für das Unterhaltungssystem? | Are there headphones for the entertainment system? |
Entschuldigung, das Licht über meinem Sitz funktioniert nicht. | Excuse me, the light above my seat isn’t working. |
Vielen Dank für Ihre Hilfe! | Thank you very much for your help! |
Finally,it’s always a good idea to familiarize yourself with a few key phrases when traveling as it can enhance your experience and make interactions smoother. Safe travels.