Greeting phrases in German

Greeting phrases in German. Learning greeting phrases in German, or in any foreign language, offers several benefits.

Greeting phrases in German

Greeting phrases are the starting point of most interactions. By greeting someone in their native language, you demonstrate respect and appreciation for their culture, which often leaves a good impression.

German English
Guten Morgen Good morning
Guten Tag Good day
Guten Abend Good evening
Grüß Gott Hello (Southern Germany)
Servus Hello (Southern Germany)
Moin Hello (Northern Germany)
Hallo Hello
Hi Hi
Hey Hey
Wie geht es dir? How are you?
Freut mich, Sie kennenzulernen Nice to meet you
Auf Wiedersehen Goodbye
Tschüss Goodbye
Gute Nacht Good night

Greeting sentences in German

German English
Hallo Hello
Guten Morgen Good morning
Guten Tag Good day
Guten Abend Good evening
Grüß Gott A Bavarian greeting that literally means “greet God” but is used as a general greeting
Servus A Southern German and Austrian greeting that is similar to “hello” or “goodbye”
Moin A Northern German greeting that is similar to “hello”
Wie geht es dir? How are you?
Mir geht es gut. I am fine.
Schön dich zu sehen. Nice to see you.
Freut mich, Sie kennenzulernen. Nice to meet you.

Introducing the self in German

It is very kind of you to intoduce yourself to others.

German English
Darf ich mich vorstellen? Ich bin [your name]. May I introduce myself? I am [your name].
Es ist mir ein Vergnügen, Sie kennenzulernen. It is my pleasure to meet you.
Ich freue mich, Sie kennenzulernen. I am pleased to meet you.

conversation between friends in German

Anna: Hallo, David! Wie geht es dir?

David: Hallo, Anna! Mir geht es gut, danke. Und dir?

Anna: Mir geht es auch gut. Was machst du heute?

David: Ich gehe ins Kino. Willst du mitkommen?

Anna: Ja, gerne! Was sehen wir?

David: Wir sehen den neuen James-Bond-Film.

Anna: Oh, den habe ich mir auch schon vorgenommen. Das ist super!

Anna: Hi, David! How are you?

David: Hi, Anna! I’m fine, thanks. And you?

Anna: I’m fine too. What are you doing today?

David: I’m going to the movies. Do you want to come with me?

Anna: Yes, please! What are we seeing?

David: We’re seeing the new James Bond movie.

Anna: Oh, I’ve been wanting to see that too. That’s great!

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