greetings in German

Learning greetings in German, or in any foreign language, is important for several reasons:

  1. Cultural understanding: Greetings are an essential part of any culture, and by learning German greetings, you gain insights into German customs and social norms. It helps you understand how Germans interact and establish relationships.
  2. Politeness and respect: Greetings are a way to show respect and politeness when interacting with people. By using appropriate German greetings, you demonstrate your willingness to engage in a respectful and friendly manner.
English German
Hello Hallo
Good morning Guten Morgen
Good day/afternoon Guten Tag
Good evening Guten Abend
Good night Gute Nacht
How are you? Wie geht es Ihnen? (formal) / Wie geht es dir? (informal)
I’m fine, thank you. Mir geht es gut, danke.
What’s your name? Wie heißt du? (informal) / Wie heißen Sie? (formal)
My name is… Ich heiße…
Nice to meet you. Nett, dich/Sie kennenzulernen.
How are things? Wie läuft’s?
Have a good day. Einen schönen Tag noch.
Have a good evening. Einen schönen Abend noch.
Goodbye Auf Wiedersehen
See you later Bis später
See you tomorrow Bis morgen
Take care Pass auf dich/Sie auf
Cheers! (for toasting) Prost!
Congratulations! Herzlichen Glückwunsch!
Happy birthday! Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!

These phrases cover a range of greetings and polite expressions that you can use in various social situations. Remember to adjust the formality based on the context and the person you’re addressing.