Health Vocabulary in German

Health Vocabulary in German.Every subject has its unique lexicon that aids in effectively conveying ideas and information. In the realm of health, there exists a rich and diverse set of vocabulary that plays a vital role in our understanding and interpretation of health issues and challenges.


Health Vocabulary in German

German english
die Gesundheit Health
die Krankheit Disease
Schutz Prevention
Diagnose Diagnosis
Behandlung Treatment
Operation Surgery
pharmazeutisch Medications
Naturtherapie Physical therapy
Psychotherapie Psychotherapy
Ernährungstherapie Nutritional therapy
Vorbeugende Behandlung Preventive therapy
Gesundheitspflege Healthcare
Arzt Doctor
Krankenschwester/Krankenschwester Nurse
Apotheker/Apotheker Pharmacist
Psychologe Psychologist
Der biologische Wissenschaftler Biologist
Medizinischer Wissenschaftler Medical scientist
Psychische Gesundheit Mental health
Körperliche Gesundheit Physical health
Fitness Fitness
Wohlbefinden Wellness
Fettleibigkeit Obesity
Sucht Addiction
Krebs Cancer
Diabetiker Diabetes
Blutdruck Blood pressure
Infektionskrankheiten Infectious diseases
chronische Krankheit Chronic diseases
Infektion Infection
Tod Death

Finally,we hope this article has illuminated the significance of health vocabulary and how to employ it effectively. Let’s continue to learn and apply these terms, ensuring a deeper comprehension and improved healthcare for ourselves and those around us.