Idiomatic expressions in German

When you learn German, learning Idiomatic expressions in German (Redewendungen) is a fun and effective way to boost your language fluency.

You’ll hear numerous references to sausages, condiments, bread, and other delicious German foods. These phrases also provide valuable insights into German culture and history that will help you become familiar with the German way of life. 

While some German idioms sound similar to their English counterparts, others are entirely different. Literal translations don’t always make sense, which is why even advanced learners have trouble identifying the meaning of a phrase. 

The 90 German idioms below are essential phrases you’ll need to become fluent in German. You’ll find the literal translations along with the English equivalent and a short description. I hope some of these German idioms give you a good laugh and inspire you to keep learning the German language!

Idiomatic expressions in German

1. “Das ist mir Wurst”

The literal translation is: “This is sausage to me”

2. “Nur Bahnhof verstehen”

The literal translation is: “To only understand train station”

3. “Jemandem die Daumen drücken”

The literal translation is: “To press your thumbs for someone”

4. “Ich glaub mein Schwein pfeift”

The literal translation is: “I think my pig whistles”

5. “Ich glaub’ ich spinne”

The literal translation is: “I believe I spider”

6. “Fix und fertig sein”

The literal translation is: “To be fixed and finished”

7. “Na?”

**The literal translation is: “**What’s up?”

8. “Bock haben”

The literal translation is: “To have a goat”

Idiomatic expressions in German video: