Learn German in 25 Minutes

German is a West Germanic language that is mainly spoken in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and parts of Belgium, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, and Italy. It is also one of the official languages of the European Union. German is the most widely spoken native language in the European Union and the second most commonly

spoken language overall after English. It is known for its complex grammar, long words, and compound nouns. The German language has a rich literary tradition, with many famous works of literature, philosophy, and science written in German.

Learn German in 25 Minutes – ALL the Basics You Need

The basic you need in German

As a learner of German you may some basic words, vocabulary and grammar.

German English
Das Substantiv The noun
Der Artikel The article
Das Adjektiv The adjective
Das Pronomen The pronoun
Das Verb The verb
Das Adverb The adverb
Die Präposition The preposition
Die Konjunktion The conjunction
Die Interjektion The interjection
Das Subjekt The subject
Das Objekt The object
Der Satz The sentence
Das Fragewort The question word
Die Antwort The answer
Ja Yes
Nein No
Vielleicht Maybe
Ich I
Du You (singular)
Er He
Sie She
Es It
Wir We
Ihr You (plural)
Sie They
Mich Me
Dich You (singular)
Ihn Him
Sie (Accusative) Her
Es It
Uns Us
Euch You (plural)
Sie (Dative) Them (indirect obj.)
Mir To me
Dir To you (singular)
Ihm To him
Ihr (Dative) To her
Ihm To it
Uns To us
Euch To you (plural)
Ihnen To them
Ich habe I have
Du hast You have (singular)
Er hat He has
Sie hat She has
Es hat It has
Wir haben We have
Ihr habt You have (plural)
Sie haben They have
Ich bin I am
Du bist You are (singular)
Er ist He is
Sie ist She is
Es ist It is
Wir sind We are
Ihr seid You are (plural)
Sie sind They are
Ja, bitte Yes, please
Danke Thank you
Bitte You’re welcome
Entschuldigung Excuse me
Auf Wiedersehen Goodbye

Personal prounouns in German

German Subject Pronouns English Subject Pronouns German Object Pronouns English Object Pronouns
Ich I Mich Me
Du You (singular) Dich You (singular)
Er He Ihn Him
Sie She Sie Her
Es It Es It
Wir We Uns Us
Ihr You (plural) Euch You (plural)
Sie They Sie Them

Note: “Sie” can also mean “you” (formal) both as a subject and object pronoun. In such cases, the context usually clarifies the intended meaning.

At last we wish you master German with our lessons. Good luck.