Military system vocabulary in German

Military system vocabulary in German.The military system is among the oldest and most pivotal organizational structures in human history. It is characterized by a hierarchical order, strict discipline, and continuous training. When discussing the army or the armed forces, we inevitably encounter a unique set of terminologies and phrases that describe various facets of military life and its functions.

Military system vocabulary in German

german english
Armee Army
Marine Navy
Luftwaffe air Force
Spezialeinheiten special forces
Nationalgarde National Guard
die Reserve the reserve
Kampfwagen Fighting cart
Panzer Tank
Der Kampfflugan The warplane
Rakete Missile
die Bombe the bomb
Schießen Shooting
die Übung the exercise
Militärausbildung military training
Versteckt Hidden
Festung Fortress
Kugel Bullet
Militärrang Military rank
Der Rangrang The ranking rank
Der höchste militärische Rang The highest military rank
The military commander The military commander
Die Strategie The strategy
Attacke attack
Verteidigung Defense
Luftverteidigung Air Defense
Atomangriff Nuclear attack
Verstärkung Reinforcing
Waffen Arms
Automatisiertes Maschinengewehr Automated machine gun

Finally,we hope this article has opened a window into the world of the military system, bringing the reader closer to details that might remain hidden or elusive to many.