Military system vocabulary in German
Military system vocabulary in German.The military system is among the oldest and most pivotal organizational structures in human history. It is characterized by a hierarchical order, strict discipline, and continuous training. When discussing the army or the armed forces, we inevitably encounter a unique set of terminologies and phrases that describe various facets of military life and its functions.
Military system vocabulary in German
german | english |
Armee | Army |
Marine | Navy |
Luftwaffe | air Force |
Spezialeinheiten | special forces |
Nationalgarde | National Guard |
die Reserve | the reserve |
Kampfwagen | Fighting cart |
Panzer | Tank |
Der Kampfflugan | The warplane |
Rakete | Missile |
die Bombe | the bomb |
Schießen | Shooting |
die Übung | the exercise |
Militärausbildung | military training |
Versteckt | Hidden |
Festung | Fortress |
Kugel | Bullet |
Militärrang | Military rank |
Der Rangrang | The ranking rank |
Der höchste militärische Rang | The highest military rank |
The military commander | The military commander |
Die Strategie | The strategy |
Attacke | attack |
Verteidigung | Defense |
Luftverteidigung | Air Defense |
Atomangriff | Nuclear attack |
Verstärkung | Reinforcing |
Waffen | Arms |
Automatisiertes Maschinengewehr | Automated machine gun |
Finally,we hope this article has opened a window into the world of the military system, bringing the reader closer to details that might remain hidden or elusive to many.