Modal Auxiliaries in German

Modal Auxiliaries in german.Modal auxiliaries in German are essential verbs that change the mood of other verbs in a sentence. They are used to express ability, necessity, permission, or possibility. The primary modal auxiliaries in German are “dürfen” (may, to be allowed to), “können” (can, to be able to), “mögen” (to like, to want), “müssen” (must, to have to), “sollen” (should, to be supposed to), and “wollen” (to want to). Here’s an overview of each with their English translations:
- Dürfen
- German: Ich darf hier rauchen.
- English: I am allowed to smoke here.
- Können
- German: Er kann gut schwimmen.
- English: He can swim well.
- Mögen
- German: Sie mag Schokolade.
- English: She likes chocolate.
- Müssen
- German: Wir müssen jetzt gehen.
- English: We must go now.
- Sollen
- German: Du sollst deine Hausaufgaben machen.
- English: You should do your homework.
- Wollen
- German: Ich will Arzt werden.
- English: I want to become a doctor.
These modal verbs are used in conjunction with the infinitive of another verb, which typically appears at the end of the sentence in German. They are highly useful in expressing a range of nuances in intention, obligation, and ability.
Here’s a table with examples of sentences using German modal auxiliaries, along with their English translations:
German Sentence with Modal Auxiliary | English Translation |
Ich darf hier nicht rauchen. | I am not allowed to smoke here. |
Kannst du mir helfen? | Can you help me? |
Er mag keine Milch. | He does not like milk. |
Wir müssen früh aufstehen. | We must get up early. |
Du sollst mehr lesen. | You should
Sie will Arzt werden. | She wants to become a doctor. |
Dürfen wir hier parken? | Are we allowed to park here? |
Können Sie das bitte wiederholen? | Can you please repeat that? |
Sie mögen dieses Wetter nicht. | They do not like this weather. |
Er muss heute länger arbeiten. | He has to work longer today. |
Sie sollen früh ins Bett gehen. | They are supposed to go to bed early. |
Ich will später essen. | I want to eat later. |
These sentences illustrate the use of different German modal auxiliaries in various contexts, showing how they modify the meaning of the main verb in a sentence.
Here’s a table with phrases using German modal auxiliaries, along with their English translations:
German Phrase with Modal Auxiliary | English Translation |
Darf ich hier fotografieren? | May I take photos here? |
Ich kann Deutsch sprechen. | I can speak German. |
Sie mag keinen Kaffee. | She does not like coffee. |
Wir müssen jetzt gehen. | We have to leave now. |
Ihr sollt früher schlafen. | You (plural) should sleep earlier. |
Er will ein neues Auto kaufen. | He wants to buy a new car. |
Dürfen wir das Fenster öffnen? | Are we allowed to open the window? |
Können Sie mir helfen? | Can you help me? |
Sie mögen das Wetter hier. | They like the weather here. |
Du musst deine Hausaufgaben machen. | You must do your homework. |
Sie sollen den Arzt anrufen. | They should call the doctor. |
Ich will heute Abend ausgehen. | I want to go out tonight. |
These phrases demonstrate how German modal auxiliaries are used to express ability, permission, preference, obligation, advice, and desire.