Names of fruits in German

Names of fruits in German.Fruits are a crucial source of numerous nutritional elements essential for human health. Characterized by their diverse shapes, colors, and flavors, each type of fruit offers unique and specific benefits.

Names of fruits in German

English German
Apple Einfrieren
Banana Banane
Orange eine Orange
Mango Mango
Pineapple Ananas
Watermelon Wassermelone
Strawberry Erdbeere
Raspberry Rote Maulbeere
Blackberry Brombeere
Cherry Kirsche
Peach Pfirsich
Plum Aprikose
Apricot Aprikose
Grape Trauben
Kiwi Kiwi
Pear Birnen
Pomegranate Granatapfel
Lemon Zitrone
Lime Zitrone
Grapefruit Grapefruit
Avocado Avocado
Papaya Papaya
Fig Feige
Date Passieren
Coconut Kokosnuss
Guava Guave
Passion fruit Pashinfruchtfrucht
Persimmon khaki
Lychee Lichy
Dragon fruit Drachenfrucht
Melon Melone
Cranberry Himbeere
Gooseberry Stachelbeere
Tangerine Mandarine
Clementine Clementine
Nectarine Nicarin
Star fruit Sternfrucht

In conclusion, the names of fruits reflect their diversity and uniqueness in the plant world. As we have seen, fruits bear different names that express their characteristics and nature, as well as reflect the culture and history of the regions they grow in.