Phrases about colors in German

Phrases about colors in German.In a world teeming with vibrant imagery and symbolic expressions, colors hold a unique and inescapable importance. They are not mere decorative details or trivial features. Colors serve as an integral part of how we understand and interact with the world around us.

Phrases about colors in German

German Phrase English Translation Context or Usage
Farbenfroh Colorful Describes something filled with various colors.
Schwarz wie die Nacht Black as night Used to describe something extremely black.
Weiß wie Schnee White as snow Used to describe something extremely white.
Grün vor Neid Green with envy Describes someone who is very envious.
Blau machen To play hooky (literally “make blue”) Skipping work or school, usually for leisure.
Im roten Bereich sein To be in the red zone Describes being in a critical or dangerous situation
Gelb vor Eifersucht Yellow with jealousy Less common than “Grün vor Neid,” but similar meaning

Sentenses about colors in German

German Sentence English Translation Context or Usage
Das Gras ist immer grüner auf der anderen Seite. The grass is always greener on the other side. Indicates that other situations always seem better than one’s own.
Der Himmel ist heute ganz blau. The sky is completely blue today. Describing the weather or the sky’s appearance.
Sie hat rote Rosen bekommen. She received red roses. Describing a romantic gesture or gift.
Der Apfel ist gelb und sauer. The apple is yellow and sour. Describing the attributes of an apple.
Das Kleid ist schwarz wie die Nacht. The dress is black as night. Describing the deep black color of a dress.
Er ist grün hinter den Ohren. He is green behind the ears. Describing someone as inexperienced or naive.
Sie hat ihre Nägel in Rosa lackiert. She painted her nails pink. Describing a cosmetic choice.

Vocabulary about colors in German

German Word English Translation Context or Usage
Farbe Color General term for color
Rot Red Primary color
Blau Blue Primary color
Gelb Yellow Primary color
Grün Green Secondary color
Orange Orange Secondary color
Lila Purple Secondary color
Rosa Pink Tint of red
Grau Gray Neutral color
Braun Brown Earthy color
Schwarz Black Absence of color; used for darkness
Weiß White Presence of all colors; used for light
Türkis Turquoise Blue-green color
Beige Beige Light brown or tan
Gold Gold Metallic color
Silber Silver Metallic color
Bunt Colorful Describes something with many colors
Dunkel- Dark (prefix) Used as a prefix for dark colors
Hell- Light (prefix) Used as a prefix for light colors
Pastell- Pastel (prefix) Used for softer, lighter colors

Sentenses useing the colors in German

German Sentence English Translation Color Mentioned
Der Apfel ist rot. The apple is red. Rot (Red)
Der Himmel ist heute sehr blau. The sky is very blue today. Blau (Blue)
Die Sonne scheint gelb. The sun is shining yellow. Gelb (Yellow)
Das Gras ist grün. The grass is green. Grün (Green)
Ich habe eine orange Tasche. I have an orange bag. Orange (Orange)
Ihre Augen sind lila. Her eyes are purple. Lila (Purple)
Sie trägt ein rosa Kleid. She is wearing a pink dress. Rosa (Pink)
Die Wolken sind grau. The clouds are gray. Grau (Gray)
Der Baum ist braun. The tree is brown. Braun (Brown)
Die Katze ist schwarz. The cat is black. Schwarz (Black)
Die Milch ist weiß. The milk is white. Weiß (White)
Das Meer ist türkis. The sea is turquoise. Türkis (Turquoise)
Die Wand ist beige. The wall is beige. Beige (Beige)
Die Medaille ist gold. The medal is gold. Gold (Gold)
Der Ring ist silber. The ring is silver. Silber (Silver)

Finally,colors offer a medium of expression that conveys meanings and emotions without the need for words. They are an integral part of cultures and traditions across the globe. Each hue has its own story and significance, varying from one culture to another, but in the end, color remains a language that requires no translation.