Phrases in school in German
Phrases related to school in German are important because they enable effective communication in educational settings. Whether you are a student, teacher, or parent, having knowledge of relevant phrases can help you navigate various situations in the school environment. Here are a few reasons why phrases in school are necessary:
- Classroom Communication: Phrases such as “Darf ich zur Toilette gehen?” (May I go to the restroom?) or “Kannst du mir bitte helfen?” (Can you please help me?) are essential for daily interactions between students and teachers in the classroom.
- Asking Questions: Being able to ask questions is crucial for understanding lessons and clarifying doubts. Phrases like “Ich habe eine Frage” (I have a question) or “Kannst du das bitte wiederholen?” (Can you please repeat that?) help students actively engage in the learning process.
German Phrase | English Translation |
Guten Morgen! | Good morning! |
Wie geht es dir? | How are you? |
Darf ich zur Toilette gehen? | May I go to the restroom? |
Kannst du mir bitte helfen? | Can you please help me? |
Ich habe eine Frage. | I have a question. |
Kannst du das bitte wiederholen? | Can you please repeat that? |
Wie schreibt man das? | How do you spell that? |
Bitte öffnet eure Bücher auf Seite 10. | Please open your books to page 10. |
Schreibe deinen Namen auf das Papier. | Write your name on the paper. |
Wer möchte antworten? | Who would like to answer? |
Ich verstehe das nicht. | I don’t understand that. |
Kannst du es mir erklären? | Can you explain it to me? |
Ich bin anderer Meinung. | I have a different opinion. |
Ich stimme zu, weil… | I agree because… |
Kannst du mir helfen, mein Problem zu lösen? | Can you help me solve my problem? |
Wann ist die Hausaufgabe fällig? | When is the homework due? |
Ich habe mein Schulbuch vergessen. | I forgot my textbook. |
Wo ist der Klassenraum? | Where is the classroom? |
Wann ist die nächste Pause? | When is the next break? |
Können Sie mir bitte über den Fortschritt meines Kindes berichten? | Can you please provide me with an update on my child’s progress? |
Wann findet die nächste Prüfung statt? | When is the next exam scheduled? |