phrases in the pool in German

Having a pool of phrases in German can be beneficial for various reasons:

  1. Variety: Using a diverse range of phrases can help avoid repetition and make your writing more engaging and interesting for readers.
  2. Clarity: Certain phrases are commonly used in German articles to convey specific meanings or introduce different aspects of a topic. Including these phrases can enhance clarity and ensure that your ideas are effectively communicated.
  3. Professionalism: Using appropriate phrases demonstrates a level of professionalism and expertise in writing. It can help your article appear more polished and well-crafted.
German Phrase English Translation
Es wurde festgestellt, dass… It was found that…
Gemäß einer Studie… According to a study…
Laut Experten… According to experts…
In der heutigen Zeit… In today’s time…
Es wird berichtet, dass… It is reported that…
Im Vergleich zu… In comparison to…
Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass… The results show that…
Es ist erwähnenswert, dass… It is worth mentioning that…
In den letzten Jahren… In recent years…
Es wird angenommen, dass… It is assumed that…
Wie bereits erwähnt… As mentioned before…
Es ist offensichtlich, dass… It is obvious that…
Es besteht die Möglichkeit, dass… There is a possibility that…
In Bezug auf… With regard to…
Es wird diskutiert, ob… It is being discussed whether…
Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass… It is important to note that…
Es wird behauptet, dass… It is claimed that…
Eine interessante Feststellung ist, dass… An interesting observation is that…
Es wird spekuliert, dass… It is speculated that…
Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen… In summary, it can be said that…