phrases in the supermarket in German


Introduction to Learning Supermarket Phrases in German:

Learning essential phrases for navigating a supermarket in German can greatly enhance your shopping experience in German-speaking countries. Whether you’re looking for specific products, asking for assistance, or understanding price labels, having a basic understanding of these phrases will be beneficial. Below are some useful phrases to help you get started:

English German
Good day! [responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Guten Tag![/responsivevoice]
Hello! [responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Hallo![/responsivevoice]
Excuse me. [responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Entschuldigung.[/responsivevoice]
Where can I find…? [responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Wo finde ich…?[/responsivevoice]
I’m looking for… [responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Ich suche…[/responsivevoice]
Do you have…? [responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Haben Sie…?[/responsivevoice]
How much does that cost? [responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Wie viel kostet das?[/responsivevoice]
Is there a special offer? [responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Gibt es eine Sonderaktion?[/responsivevoice]
Can I pay with a card? [responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Kann ich mit Karte bezahlen?[/responsivevoice]
Where is the checkout? [responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Wo ist die Kasse?[/responsivevoice]
Can you help me? [responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Können Sie mir helfen?[/responsivevoice]
I need a shopping bag. [responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Ich brauche eine Einkaufstasche.[/responsivevoice]
Is this product on sale? [responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Ist dieses Produkt im Angebot?[/responsivevoice]
What is the expiration date? [responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Was ist das Verfallsdatum?[/responsivevoice]
I would like a receipt. [responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Ich hätte gerne einen Kassenbon.[/responsivevoice]
Could you weigh this for me? [responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Könnten Sie das für mich wiegen?[/responsivevoice]
May I try a sample? [responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Kann ich eine Probe haben?[/responsivevoice]
Can I return this item? [responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Kann ich dieses Produkt zurückgeben?[/responsivevoice]
Where are the restrooms? [responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Wo sind die Toiletten?[/responsivevoice]
Is this item in stock? [responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Ist dieses Produkt vorrätig?[/responsivevoice]
Thank you! Danke!

Feel free to practice these phrases and their pronunciation. They will help you navigate the supermarket and communicate effectively in German.