Play and make verbs in German

Today we are going to introduce you Play and make verbs in German.

In English, the regular conjugation is very easy: only for the third person singular an “-s” is added to the infinitive (“to see” becomes “he/she/it sees”). Unfortunately, there are more endings in German.

The following two tables show the endings for the two regular verbs spielen (to play) and machen (to do; to make):

Verb to play: singular

English German
1st person I play ich spiele
2nd person You play du spielst
3rd person he/she/it plays er/sie/es spielt

Verb to play: plural

English   German
1st person we play wir spielen
2nd person you  play ihr spielt
3rd person they  play sie spielen

Verb to make: singular

English German  
1st person I make ich mache
2nd person You make du machst
3rd person he/she/it makes er/sie/es macht

Verb to make: plural

English German  
1st person we make/do wir machen
2nd person you  make/do ihr macht
3rd person they make/do sie machen

As you see, the endings are the same for corresponding forms of spielen and machen. In fact, they are the same for all regular verbs.

Thus, you can always just remove the -en from the infinitive of a regular German verb to form the stem (e.g.,spielen becomes spiel- and machen becomes mach-) and then add the ending for the particular person. 


What are you doing? Was machst du?
I’m playing basketball. Ich spiele Basketball.
Do you play soccer? Spielst du Fußball? 
I’m doing homework. Ich mache Hausaufgaben.
He’s doing homework. Er macht Hausaufgaben.
Do you play sports? Machst/Treibst du Sport?
Why do you play baseball? Warum spielst du Baseball?
When do you do the/your homework? Wann machst du die Hausaufgaben?
Who doesn’t play soccer? Wer spielt nicht Fußball?
We don’t play tennis. Wir spielen nicht Tennis.

we hope that you enjoyed our lesson of the day Play and make verbs in German