Questions and Answers in German

Questions and Answers in German.Here’s a table of common German questions and answers, along with their English translations:
Question in German | Answer in German | English Translation of Question | English Translation of Answer |
Wie heißt du? | Ich heiße Markus. | What is your name? | My name is Markus. |
Wo wohnst du? | Ich wohne in Berlin. | Where do you live? | I live in Berlin. |
Wie alt bist du? | Ich bin 30 Jahre alt. | How old are you? | I am 30 years old. |
Was machst du gerne in deiner Freizeit? | Ich spiele gerne Fußball. | What do you like to do in your free time? | I like to play football. |
Hast du Haustiere? | Ja, ich habe einen Hund. | Do you have pets? | Yes, I have a dog. |
Welche Sprachen sprichst du? | Ich spreche Deutsch und Englisch. | What languages do you speak? | I speak German and English. |
Was ist dein Lieblingsfilm? | Mein Lieblingsfilm ist ‘Inception’. | What is your favorite movie? | My favorite movie is ‘Inception’. |
Was ist dein Beruf? | Ich bin Ingenieur. | What is your profession? | I am an engineer. |
Wo möchtest du gerne Urlaub machen? | Ich möchte in Italien Urlaub machen. | Where would you like to go on vacation? | I would like to vacation in Italy. |
Was hast du gestern gemacht? | Ich war im Kino. | What did you do yesterday? | I went to the cinema. |
These questions and answers cover a variety of everyday topics and are useful for basic conversations in German.
Here’s a table featuring sentences structured as questions and their corresponding answers in German, along with their English translations:
Question Sentence in German | Answer Sentence in German | English Translation of Question | English Translation of Answer |
Wo ist das nächste Restaurant? | Das nächste Restaurant ist um die Ecke. | Where is the nearest restaurant? | The nearest restaurant is around the corner. |
Kannst du mir helfen? | Ja, ich kann dir helfen. | Can you help me? | Yes, I can help you. |
Hast du heute Abend Zeit? | Nein, ich habe keine Zeit. | Do you have time tonight? | No, I don’t have time. |
Was kostet das? | Das kostet zehn Euro. | How much does this cost? | It costs ten Euros. |
Wie wird das Wetter morgen? | Morgen wird das Wetter sonnig. | What will the weather be like tomorrow? | Tomorrow the weather will be sunny. |
Wann beginnt der Film? | Der Film beginnt um 20 Uhr. | When does the movie start? | The movie starts at 8 PM. |
Wo hast du dein Auto geparkt? | Ich habe mein Auto in der Nähe geparkt. | Where did you park your car? | I parked my car nearby. |
Wann hast du Geburtstag? | Mein Geburtstag ist am 5. Mai. | When is your birthday? | My birthday is on May 5th. |
Wer ist dein Lieblingssänger? | Mein Lieblingssänger ist Ed Sheeran. | Who is your favorite singer? | My favorite singer is Ed Sheeran. |
Warum lernst du Deutsch? | Ich lerne Deutsch für meine Arbeit. | Why are you learning German? | I am learning German for my job. |
These sentences provide a practical glimpse into everyday conversation in German, covering various basic topics and questions one might encounter.
Here’s a table of phrases structured as questions and answers in German, along with their English translations:
German Question Phrase | German Answer Phrase | English Translation of Question | English Translation of Answer |
Gehst du gerne ins Kino? | Ja, sehr gerne. | Do you like going to the cinema? | Yes, very much. |
Hast du Hunger? | Nein, ich habe keinen Hunger. | Are you hungry? | No, I am not hungry. |
Kannst du schwimmen? | Ja, ich kann schwimmen. | Can you swim? | Yes, I can swim. |
Sprichst du Spanisch? | Nein, ich spreche kein Spanisch. | Do you speak Spanish? | No, I don’t speak Spanish. |
Ist das dein Buch? | Ja, das ist mein Buch. | Is that your book? | Yes, that’s my book. |
Kommst du aus Berlin? | Nein, ich komme nicht aus Berlin. | Are you from Berlin? | No, I am not from Berlin. |
Haben Sie geöffnet? | Ja, wir sind bis 18 Uhr geöffnet. | Are you open? | Yes, we are open until 6 PM. |
Bist du Lehrer? | Ja, ich bin Lehrer. | Are you a teacher? | Yes, I am a teacher. |
Fährst du gerne Auto? | Nein, ich fahre nicht gerne Auto. | Do you like to drive? | No, I don’t like to drive. |
Hörst du gerne Musik? | Ja, ich höre sehr gerne Musik. | Do you like to listen to music? | Yes, I very much like to listen to music. |
These phrases provide a basic understanding of how questions and answers are formed in German, covering everyday topics and preferences.