Simple Past in German

Simple Past in German.Language serves as a dynamic and complex medium for human communication, and within this framework, the simple past tense remains one of the most critical linguistic tools we use to discuss events that have occurred in the past. Whether we aim to talk about past personal experiences, describe a historical event, or even provide explanations for certain circumstances, the simple past tense is the quintessential tool for doing so.

Simple Past


Explanation about Simple Past in German

Structure and Conjugation

In the case of regular verbs, the Simple Past tense is formed by adding a specific set of endings to the stem of the infinitive verb. Here are the regular endings for each subject pronoun:

  • Ich: -te
  • Du: -test
  • Er/Sie/Es: -te
  • Wir: -ten
  • Ihr: -tet
  • Sie/sie: -ten

For example, the verb “machen” (to make) becomes:

  • Ich machte
  • Du machtest
  • Er/Sie/Es machte
  • Wir machten
  • Ihr machtet
  • Sie/sie machten

Irregular verbs in the Simple Past often undergo a vowel change in the stem, in addition to the regular endings. For example, the verb “sehen” (to see) becomes:

  • Ich sah
  • Du sahst
  • Er/Sie/Es sah
  • Wir sahen
  • Ihr saht
  • Sie/sie sahen


The Simple Past is primarily used in:

  • Written Narratives: For telling stories or recounting past events.
  • Formal Speech: In formal settings or speeches.
  • News Reports: To describe events that have been completed.

Examples sentenses about Simple Past in German

Verb English Verb Example Sentence in German Example Sentence in English
machte made Ich machte meine Hausaufgaben. I did my homework.
kaufte bought Du kaufte ein neues Auto. You bought a new car.
lernte learned Sie lernte Deutsch. She learned German.
kochte cooked Wir kochten das Abendessen. We cooked dinner.
spielte played Ihr spieltet Fußball. You (plural) played soccer.
sah saw Er sah den Film. He saw the movie.
ging went Ich ging ins Kino. I went to the cinema.
fand found Du fandst den Schlüssel. You found the key.
wusste knew Sie wusste die Antwort. She knew the answer.
las read Ich las das Buch. I read the book.

Examples for using Simple Past in German

German Subject Pronoun Regular Verb: “machen” (to make) Example Sentence Irregular Verb: “sehen” (to see) Example Sentence
Ich machte Ich machte Hausaufgaben. sah Ich sah einen Film.
Du machtest Du machtest Kaffee. sahst Du sahst ihn an.
Er/Sie/Es machte Er machte einen Fehler. sah Sie sah nicht gut aus.
Wir machten Wir machten Urlaub. sahen Wir sahen die Show.
Ihr machtet Ihr machtet Lärm. saht Ihr saht großartig aus.
Sie/sie machten Sie machten Geschäfte. sahen Sie sahen das Spiel.

In conclusion, mastering the simple past tense is not merely a matter of grasping a grammatical rule; it’s part of a broader understanding of how we communicate as human beings and how we interpret the world around us. Fundamentally, it reflects how we narrate our stories, document our experiences, and create our meanings.