simple present in German

The simple present tense, also known as Präsens, is an important aspect of German grammar. Here are some reasons why it is necessary:

  1. Present Actions and States: The simple present tense is used to talk about actions, habits, routines, and general truths that occur in the present. It allows you to describe what is happening now, express recurring actions, or state facts that are true in the present moment.
  2. Everyday Communication: Learning the simple present tense enables you to communicate more effectively in everyday conversations. Being able to express current actions, habits, and routines allows for clearer and more concise communication with native German speakers.

simple present in German

English German
I read books. Ich lese Bücher.
She sings beautifully. Sie singt wunderschön.
We eat dinner at 7 PM. Wir essen um 19 Uhr zu Abend.
He works as a teacher. Er arbeitet als Lehrer.
I play the guitar. Ich spiele Gitarre.
She speaks fluent German. Sie spricht fließend Deutsch.
We live in Berlin. Wir leben in Berlin.
He watches movies on weekends. Er schaut am Wochenende Filme.
I enjoy hiking in the mountains. Ich genieße das Wandern in den Bergen.
She dances ballet. Sie tanzt Ballett.
We play soccer every Saturday. Wir spielen jeden Samstag Fußball.
He teaches math at the university. Er unterrichtet Mathematik an der Universität.
I like to drink coffee in the morning. Ich trinke gerne morgens Kaffee.
She visits her grandparents often. Sie besucht ihre Großeltern oft.
We listen to music every day. Wir hören jeden Tag Musik.
He travels to different countries. Er reist in verschiedene Länder.
I work in an office. Ich arbeite in einem Büro.
She volunteers at a local shelter. Sie engagiert sich in einem örtlichen Tierheim.
We study German in the evenings. Wir lernen abends Deutsch.
He takes care of his plants. Er kümmert sich um seine Pflanzen.
I help my neighbors. Ich helfe meinen Nachbarn.