The way for Connection with Time in German

Connection with Time in German

In this lesson , you will learn the way for connection with time in German . You might want to say ‘every day ‘ , ‘this week’ , ‘every morning’ , or ‘which Tuesday night?’ . But to do this , not only do you need to know the jeder-forms , but also the genders of the times and the cases . The second one is easy : Whenever you do something at a certain time , that time is put into Accusative Case . Last lesson , you learned the gender of one time : der Tag . So now you know everything to say ‘diesen Tag’, ‘jeden Tag’, and ‘welchen Tag?’ (this day, every day, and which day?) . Here are the cases of all the times in Lesson 2 :

Masculine Feminine Neuter
Tag Woche Jahr
Monat Nacht Wochenende

When extending to ‘which Tuesday night?’ , remember that the night stays feminine on Tuesday , so it stays “Welche Dienstagnacht?” . Likewise , you can say ‘every June’ the same as ‘every month’ : ‘ jeden Juni ‘ .

This and That

  • Ich möchte einen Cheeseburger . Der schmeckt sehr gut .
  • Ich esse jeden Tag Cheeseburger . Die habe ich gern .

Look at the second sentence of each of these German dialogues about Connection with Time in German . What’s missing ? That’s right , instead of “Der Cheeseburger schmeckt sehr gut.” and “Die Cheeseburger habe ich gern.”, both of the ‘Cheeseburger’s, so to speak , are dropped . We’re left with just the articles , only in this case , they aren’t articles . They’re demonstrative pronouns .

Demonstrative pronouns aren’t scary . They’re just the same as the normal pronouns , only they give more oomph to the sentence . They can be translated as either ‘this’ or ‘that’ (“I’d like a cheeseburger. That tastes very good.”), or ‘these’ or ‘those’ for plurals (“I eat cheeseburgers every day. These I like.”) .

Demonstrative pronouns are exactly the same as the definite articles (well, there is one change in dative , but that will be covered in another lesson ) . If you are not sure of the gender (meaning in context , the speaker doesn’t know , not that you’ve forgotten that it’s ‘der Cheeseburger’ ), use ‘das’ , like in “Was ist das?” (What is that?) .